Bio Spira and other "Cycle Substitutes": Good or Bad?


What do you guys think about the Cycle substitutes? I've decided to go through with a full cycle, but now a friend of mine wants to start a saltwater aquarium, too. So, he had me post this thread.


Active Member
When i was a manager at petsmart they pulled it off the selves of the first stores that had it because the company recalled it, the rumor going around was that the bacteria in bio spira was eating away the flesh on the fish


Active Member
The answer is somewhere in between your listed options. I've used bio spira on a couple different tanks. It does not eat away at fish's flesh. It also is not in "instant cycle" like it's advertised to be. But I do think it adds bacteria and speeds up the process. Bio spira cannot hurt but it is not a substitute for a cycle.


I used these "cycling aids" three times on three different tanks, had nothing but problems a few months later.
I decided for my fourth system to let the system cycle normally, and everything turned out fine.


Active Member
Yeah, I am in the middle. I don't think they hurt, but considering the price of things like biospira, it is money FAR FAR FAR better spent on some good LR.
Things like cycle...well, I'm not even sure how those would really work.
Consider a QT tank. It is cycled, but you have no fish in it. Over time, the bacteria die off because there is no ammonia to "feed" them and keep population up. When you put a fish into this "cycled" tank you will likely still see an ammonia spike lasting a few days. This is so the bacteria have time to reproduce and "catch up with" the ammonia that has been added. There is a lag time.
I am not sure how this bacteria in a bottle - especially one that is not refrigertated at all (agin the Cycle stuff) can really be all that valuable for similar reasons.
I don't believe in "miracle" cycling in this hobby. get some good LR and let the tank stabilize naturally.


What about bioballs and stars that have bacteria already in them?
Seems to me that if the goal of cycling is to develop bacteria to implement the nitrogen cycle. introducing them "artificially" should accomplish the same thing. Why wouldn't it?


Active Member
I am not sure about "stars?" But certainly adding established bioballs would help a lot.
Similar to adding established LR.
The question with the bottled stuff is just how are they able to keep a bottle of that bacteria alive and waiting when I can't keep them going in a cycled QT to the level where I could throw in fish without any issue? And then in terms of best ways to spend money...LR is a better long term expenditure than a bottle. As long as you don't believe it will be a "miracle" cycling as they often claim (24hours or whatever), it is not likely to hurt.


Originally Posted by TheWeirdo
What do you guys think about the Cycle substitutes? I've decided to go through with a full cycle, but now a friend of mine wants to start a saltwater aquarium, too. So, he had me post this thread.
the only cycle subs that have worked for me were fritz turbo start(deliverd overnight) and bio spira. the fritz worked the best. my friend just cycled his tank in a week with the turbo start. he's brother works in an aquarium in Florida and they even use it in large tanks when the start up or get a an amonia spike for whatever reason. its expensive thoug.


i have used them i used biospear and a very expensive type i forgot the name 40 for 100 gallons they worked great when i used biospear i put fish in 12 hours later and there still doing great 5 months later i did have a bacteria bloom that clouded tank for about 2weekes but after that everythings perffect the trick is make sure protien skimmer is of for 48 hours when u usethis stuff


New Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I am not sure about "stars?" But certainly adding established bioballs would help a lot.
Similar to adding established LR.
The question with the bottled stuff is just how are they able to keep a bottle of that bacteria alive and waiting when I can't keep them going in a cycled QT to the level where I could throw in fish without any issue? And then in terms of best ways to spend money...LR is a better long term expenditure than a bottle. As long as you don't believe it will be a "miracle" cycling as they often claim (24hours or whatever), it is not likely to hurt.

Tisk Tisk....I'm rather upset with you....
Dont remove my s/n again from this site again....
not very nice....