Originally Posted by ophiura
How high are your levels?
What test kit do you have?
Have you had it checked elsewhere?
What fish do you have?
How much, what and how often do you feed?
How much, how often do you change water?
Do you use RO water?
Skimmers and biowheel filters are not really related in what they do.
My levels are nitrites 0, ph 8.0-8.2, nitrate is 60, ammonia 0. My test kit is the Liquid master test kit by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. My tank is fishless at the moment due too ick. I had 2 maroon clowns 2inch and 1 1/2 inch, 2 purple firefish, 1 midas blenny, 1 lawnmower blenny, and 1 bi-color angel(the cause of the ick, had a previous thread about him). I fed them once at night 1 cube frozen mysid thawed, 1/2 cube frozen prime reef thawed, and fomula I and II pellets, I normally due a 5 gallon change a week but sometimes every other week. My LFS got the same readings as I did. I use RO for topoffs. I also have 2 fireshrimp, 2 sexy shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 yellow brittle and assorted hermits and snails. I think the dentrator is still cycling as the instructions said it would take 4-10 weeks to see a difference. I didn't change the filters on the bio-wheel as much as I should have which may have been the problem. Is it alright to remove the bio altogether or just the carbon?