

Hey everyone, just curious what everyone think about using bio wheels in a reef tank? I have been having some issues with algae growing pretty fast on my glass and one of my powerfilters has a biowheel... not sure how to control it and ive read that biowheels can cause nitrate build up... which would cause algae blooms... just curious about what everyone else thinks.


Active Member
i have a penguin 150 power filter and it has two biowheels in it and ive never had any prablems. I never really clean or change my biowheels either


Well-Known Member
As long as the biowheels are spinning freely at any speed, they should not cause "nitrate buildup." Biowheels are not like bioballs; they do not have enough surface area to trap the amount of debris associated with nitrate buildup in bioball trickle filters. As it is, filters like a biowheel (and bioballs, really) are supposed to generate nitrates: that's their goal. Biowheels are aerobic filters for the more common oxygen-loving bacteria nitrosomonas and nitrobacter to bind to and metabolize ammonia into nitrite and nitrite into nitrate. The bacteria that commonly metabolize nitrate into safer free nitrogen are mostly anaerobic critters that are not found in any great numbers on the biowheels. That's where your live rock comes in; the deep areas of the rock are great places for anaerobic filtering potential.
I think before we go further we should find out what kind of algae bloom you're looking at, and what other parameters the tank has. Is it hair algae? Slime (cyanobacteria)? Red turf algae? I'd also be curious about what kind of flow your tank has, what the lighting is, how old the bulbs are, and how much you're feeding. Questions, questions, questions.......


Um its a brownish algae that forms sheets on the glass... not hairy, not slime, a little red as well. its small 30 gallon tank with two power 150 gph power filters on the back. my lighting is a T5HO nova extreme, 4 bulbs, only a few months old. I feed one frozen mysis block a day along with some algae flakes and an algae waffer every 3rd day on a clip along with phytoplakton target feeding for the corals and feather duster every third day. 20% water changes every week and half (sometimes two weeks).