BioBall question


I'm very new to all of this.
We have a 90 gallon tank that came with everything (lr, sand, fish etc).
It has quite a bit of lr. We also have bioballs. The guy at the lfs said that one of the reasons our nitrates are so high is that we shouldn't have the bioballs. He recommended that I take them out a little at a time.
Does that sound right?
I'm researching and reading as fast as I can to get myself up to speed. There is so much to learn.
Thank you.


Active Member
I would agree you do not need them and removing a little at a time is a good idea. In the process make sure there is no debris buildup in the sump or dirty filters that could be contributing to the nitrates.


You will get a lot of advice from folks-remember that there is not just one right way to do most things. Bioballs are a great product for bacteria to develop on-max oxygenation and large surface area. In fish only tanks, they quckly reduce ammonia and nitrites into relatively harmless nitrates-BUT- fish can live in nitrate levels up to approx 50 ppm with out showing stress-inverts-starfish, snails, shrimp, and your corals can not tolerate the higher levels of nitrates. SO, in a fish only tank, go with bioballs and a spray bar in your sump. With a reef tank, ditch the bioballs after your tank has been up and functioning for a while and has had time to colonize beneficial bacteria on other surfaces in your tank. A must have is a top quality skimmer. If you do not have one, add it as your reduce your bioballs.
How 'high' are your Nitrates? many on this site say theirs are 0. I have never had 0 nitrates no matter what I do mine stay around >.125 on the test kit and all my livestock is extremely healthy.
Enjoy and keep reading!!


to both of you.
I do have a skimmer. I have no idea if it is a good quality one or not. It is a E.T.S.S
Thanks again!


New Member
I have done the same thing I took out my bio balls also and I am still having trouble getting my Nitrates down below 40 ppm. I am going to add a Rufegium next week to reduce the nitrates. I know that will work. if you have the same results that is what I recommend.