My LFS told me I should phase out the use of bioballs - take a bunch out every week until they are gone. His reasoning is that they create nitrates, and also I could use the space in the wet/dry for other things.
My questions:
1. Should I remove bioballs?
2. What other things is he talking about?
Additional information:
58 gal Oceanic, 60 pds live rock, 1 year running
a few corals
fish: 2 clown perc, 3 damsels, Hippo Tang, 6 line wrasse, bi-color pseud
2 pepp shrimps, bunch of turbos/hermits
Wet/Dry (obviously)
Eheim canister
Precision Marine Skimmer
A shot of ozone overnight, once/wk
My nitrates rise to about 20 between water changes which
My questions:
1. Should I remove bioballs?
2. What other things is he talking about?
Additional information:
58 gal Oceanic, 60 pds live rock, 1 year running
a few corals
fish: 2 clown perc, 3 damsels, Hippo Tang, 6 line wrasse, bi-color pseud
2 pepp shrimps, bunch of turbos/hermits
Wet/Dry (obviously)
Eheim canister
Precision Marine Skimmer
A shot of ozone overnight, once/wk
My nitrates rise to about 20 between water changes which