BioBalls. Good or Bad?


I'm building my sump and was going to set-up a Bio-Wheel system to help trickle the water for the 1st chamber. After talking to somebody I was told, perhaps I should use Bioballs.
I've heard from reading people shouldn't use BioBalls. Why?
Person I talked to said only reason BioBalls are bad is because you have to clean them in increments so you don't crash your tank.
Whats the real deal with the Bioballs?


I did a search and see the balls are nitrate factories.
My tank is a reef and I been using BioWheels. If I'm using a 20 gallon Fuge and growing Grape Caulpera in it with a 6"DSB, Rubble Rock and then my Display is going to have 3-4"DSB and 190lb of LR, should I use or not use the BioBalls?
Was goign to atleast use a Bioball set-up or set-up BioWhells like one of them old wooden marble toys where the marble goes down the shoots left to right.....


Active Member
If you read more post on bioballs you find no set opinion and lots of people go both ways on the whole nitrate factory thing.


Here is my plan.
125 Gallon Tank. (Dual Overflows)
I bought a 40 Gallon Breeder Tank to make a sump. I was going to out Bio-Balls on either side with a homemade wet/dry with a good water filtration above to try to keep the gunk out of the bio-balls. Then I was going to put in center chamber my Sump with a UV Sterlizer.
I will then have a fuge the size of 20 Gallons perhaps even 29 if anyone thinks it will help where I want to grow Caulepra and my Criitters. It is there I will have 6 inch DSB along with a nice amount of LR.
As stated above the Display will have 3-4inch DSB with ruffly 190lbs of LR.
I trolled the board at Bio-Ball posts the pros/cons. Seems the BioBalls are the best way to remove the Nitite and Ammonia but produce in same cases mebbe too many Nitrates if left unattended. If I have such a large Fuge growing Caulpera won't the Nitrates made by the Bio-Balls actually help in the growth of my Caulpera?
If tha tis the case I'd like to go with Caulpera because I would like to use that as a source of nutrients for the Tangs I want to put in the tank.
Am I on the right track?


whoever coined the term "nitrate factory" the first time must have had a screwy test kit, because the increase really isn't all that dramatic from my own experience. losing the bioballs in my system dropped nitrate from 5 ppm to 0, which really at that level is not a big deal, and this was in conjunction with a fuge, which also mitigated some of the trates.
new research is also showing that smaller ammounts of nitrate in your system may be requisite for proper coral health and growth, so striving for nitrate free systems could soon become antiquated. borneman hints on this in his book, as well as occasionally in his message board on another site.
if you run bioballs, and do not want them to become a problem, just clean some of them on a set schedual. if you do 25% of them a month rinsed under your water change water to remove sediment you will be more than fine. it is people who let their bioballs sit unattended for 3 years that are creating "factories" (and not just of nitrate) which actually is saying more about the lack of care that these people take with their system than the filtration method its self.
any residual nitrate that you have if you keep them clean will in most cases be kept in check by a healthy refugium. i would still be running my balls today, but my old fuge broke, so i had to use half of my sump for macro algae, which necessitated ball removal.
there are a couple other sites that you can go to with forums full of actual test results and advice by researchers and professional aquarists if you are interested in getting more fact than folk lore. can't post the link here, but if you email me at i can forward it to you. just be sure you are looking for hobbyist advice when you ask questions, and that you are not looking for expert advice, unless you find a forum for your question that is frequented by actual experts. i have made a habbit of checking multiple communities whenever i have a question, as a bandwagon syndrome can hit places from time to time (it happens everywhere).
if you are about to start a new fuge, i would suggest that instead of going with grape, you instead look for a non caulerpa species, like halimeda (if you arent worried about calcium levels) or spaghetti algae. neither of these go sexual, a caulerpa tendency which occasionally strikes, releasing all of the nutrients that it has taken up back into the water, fouling your water both chemically and visually. of the caulerpas, grape is one of the safer ones though, so if you like the look of it, just be sure to always remove the oldest stuff first. bang guy probably has more algae tips if you are looking for more information.
oh and keep looking, you will find other peoples posts which will disprove my own findings point for point i am sure. thats one of the great things about this huge science experiment we are all working on together while we learn from each other.
hope that helped, and good luck.


Thanks for the info.
I'd like those emails but unforunately my email isn't working right now correctly so I can't email you.
Decided I think I am going to put in some Bioballs to help with the Ammonia/Nitrites but put in a small amount. Otherwise I may just put in some crushed rubble rock in there as well as the fuge.
Will have to see.


If you are going to use bioballs the key to them not becoming a "nitrate factory" is a good prefilter. I had them in my tank for 2 years with no problems in terms of them becoming a source of nitrates, but I was very good about cleaning my pre-filter sponges and making sure that they were always in place.


I actually do some more research today and decided not to put in Bio-Balls in the sump.
$50 it cost me for box of Bio-Balls I will just use to find better skimmer.
190lbs or LR in Display should do the trick keeping my Ammonia and Nitrites down.
Thanks for comments on this matter


now that is one of the best justifications to not using bioballs i have ever heard!
as many can tell you, they are not necessary to use, it is just important for us to understand why we make the decisions we do sometimes :)
sounds like a solid setup, cant wait to hear how it goes for ya.