Bioballs in canister filter?



So I have a 46 gallon tank that is not drilled. I want to get an overflow and sump/fuge, but in the mean time, I have a canister filter. I also have a hang on the side skimmer. Should I take the bioballs out of the filter? I have heard that they actually hurt more than they help if you have plenty of live rock in your tank. Thanks.

au mister

I think bio balls are trouble. I know several people that have had trouble with them including myself. My LFS has $60K in their 400g tank in the store and they said the only equipment they have is a protein skimmer. It is called the berlin method using lots of live sand and live rock. I would get rid of the bio balls. I just use live rock, live sand and a skimmer in my tank. I do not have any problems. Just let your tank establish good water quality and do regular water changes and it is easy.