

I plan to take 2 week vacation in March and I don't have anyone looking after my fishes. I have a wet/dry filter and I usually have to top off in 1 gallon of water a week to my tank. My sump is only 7 gallon. I usually fill the water to the top of my sponge which I think is about 2 gallon of water in the sump. I was wondering if I will hurt the bioballs if I fill the water pass the sponge. It will submerge or partially submerge some of my bioballs.


It will most likely kill some of the type of bacteria that require air. But that is probably not a big deal unless your bio-load is already on the edge of critical. As an example of why it's not a big deal, just look at some hang-on-back filters like the AquaClear series. They have been turning ammonia into nitrate for years with a fully submerged "bacteria sponge". Your bacteria will regain its present condition anyway, in my opinion.


The manufacturer of my wet/dry says to submerge up to the 2nd row and no more. If you fill too high and the power goes off you can overflow the sump, you should definitely test that before leaving town. If I fill 2 inches over my waterline and loose power my water will not overflow, that is my limit, which will submerge about 2 rows of bio-balls. You will loose a minimal amount of bacteria but it shouldn't be enough to be a concern.