Biocube 29 Metal halide conversion...


The tank looks about the same. The light is more centered and is more intense. I gained the shimmer and I have noticed that I am not getting as much algae growth on the glass. I like it the color seems to be about the same as the other 3 bulbs. I will be picking up some typ of sps frag tomorrow. I can tell my devils hand has really started to grow along with all my other corals. My anenome seems to be happier with the light as well. I will probably add the actinic pc back too it tomorrow or sunday. Ill post some more pics then.
I have two extra biocube 29 ballasts if anyone needs them. These are the ones that come with the unit. shoot me an offer.


Ok today I added the actinic along with the halide. Pretty easy to add it. only took about 5 min. The fans and actinic are all on one circuit. So when the actinic comes on the fans come on. This will come on 1.5 hours before the halide and 1.5 hours after the halide it will turn off. I ll post some pics later tonight. But I like the added color. It makes the colors pop out more. I also picked up a sps frag today so Ill see how it does. I got a green acro. after the halide and actinic are off then the leds come on for the rest of the night until it starts all over. I hope this helps some of you.


I will, it looks good. I wil get some pic soon. I had a sick daughter that took up my time last night. But tomorow morning I will get them on.


New Member
Do you have a parts list I wanna try this. I have lost two ballast on the standard light hood. I need to do something different.


PM me and I can give you a list. I ordered the MH kit that came witha small enough reflector.
I ordred 2 small 40 mm fans
I upgraded the 12v powersupply for on I got at radioshack. This supply's enough power for all 4 fans. I did intstall a MH bulb and actinic. the only mod I did was I got a piece of 1/4 in thick tempered glass that I made fit into the exiting plastic shield so theplastic wouldnt warp or discolor. Been running fine . Have had 0 issues with whole setup. great light. I have kept my SPSfrag and its doing fine as well.


New Member
mojo for your email no luck. Pls send me a note. I have clearance from she who must be obeyed to start this project. I would like to be able to put some different invertabrate in my tank. they just wont make it with the std lights. I found the kit how did you add the antinic? Any info will help. I am a Noob to saltwater. thanks,


Active Member
Looks like a great DIY job. You should offer to do this for those here that would like to convert theirs. Let them send the parts to you and DIY it foir a fee.
I would suggest adding a thermal cut-off-switch just in case something happened to the fans. THis would keep the MH from melting the plastic.
You can run it inline with the MH so if the temp gets high it will shut off the MH power supply. They are cheap and would be a safety backup. By the looks of your DIY abilities you wouldn't have any problem installing one.


Yea I have done that before . I believe it had a setpoint of 140. Cant remember. I ll have to take a couple more pics here soon. I will actually be selling this whole setup once I get everything from itover to my new 75. She say I cant keep both....


New Member
Hi, Mojo46825
Do you still have the ballast for the BioCube 29? One of my is bad and I am looking for replacement.
How can I contact you? I am new to the forum.


oh btw I am an industrial technician. I work on anything from 6 axis robots (ABB and Fanuc) to the water fountains at work. So usually any DIY project are just a matter of time. Not so much if I can do them or not. Work is always busy and being a life long student it seems kinda hard sometimes. Oh and being a DAD. Its all worth it though. Any wanna help me with technical physics? free frag!!! LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by henryping
Hi, Mojo46825
Do you still have the ballast for the BioCube 29? One of my is bad and I am looking for replacement.
How can I contact you? I am new to the forum.
hit me up i have two of them since i switched mine to the nano customs 150 retro.


New Member
Hi, Oceana
Great! I can take both. How can I PM you? I am new to this forum and haven't figure out the PM feature...


Active Member


Just wanted you all to know that this tank is going up for sale. I will need to sell it to fund the rest of my new 75gallon build. Tank has worked perfectly. No issues.I have been keeping blastos, acros, A BTA, rics devils hand suncoral you name it. This tank will come complete with the stand and a built in power strip. Item will been cleaned and does not come with livestock as I will be putting it in my 75. No Mods other than lighting have been done. THanks