Biocube Eats Another fish...


Well, I was looking around the back chambers of my biocube 8 this evening, when something moving by the return pump caught my eye. I grabbed my flashlight and looked in. It was my first fish, a yellow watchman, down there. Hes been MIA for about 2 months or more. He does not look well at all, very skinny. Im not sure whats hes been doing for food, but hes alive.
It was a chore to get him out, but we did. I kept him in the waer, but suspended in the net. I put a little food in for him, and it took a while, but he went for it. That made my mind up and I drove to the pet store. I picked up one of those isolation tanks that hang over the side and put him in there so he dosent get killed/eaten/sucked up by anything in the tank.
I just took a good look at him. He can scurry around, he propped himself up for a short time, but now hes laying on the bottom of the mini tank. Very skinny. His front fins look very thin. Its a very sad sight. He does go after and eat food though when offered.
Any ideas. Is it worth trying to nurse him back? Can I even do it?


I don't know what to do but I'd keep trying until he dies. He's fighting so don't give up on him!!! Good luck!!!


I thought he died months ago!!! I left the tank with my (literally) 2 zoas, snails and crabs, and just let it at that. I was so upset that he was gone, lol.
Im gonna try and let you guys know!
I even re-did the isolation tank. It had metal holder to hang over the tank, and i didnt want to use them. All I had for a temp tie up was some bright green string, ill post pics if i can.


Active Member
I`ve had a few fish jump into the back chambers before and made a lid to cover the back to prevent any others doing so .


I had the same problem with fish going over (the waterfall) the back by the pump.
Solution - I bought some 1/2 inch tubing and cut it the length of the tube to make a U shape and fited it atop the back wall. This allowed me to keep water levels higher. And best of all no sucides.


He looks so much better this morning. I guess getting some food helped the little guy. Hes proped himself up and staying that way. His fins are moving, and I may be crazy, but he just looks better, less pale....


i got some thick plastic and cut it up to the equal size of the space in the back of my tank and saltwater safe glue and placed it in the back,,,,,,no more fish jump back there,,and the water flow is fine,,,,hope your watchman gets back to health


Originally Posted by NYHCx516x
He looks so much better this morning. I guess getting some food helped the little guy. Hes proped himself up and staying that way. His fins are moving, and I may be crazy, but he just looks better, less pale....
That's wonderful!! I'm so glad that you didn't give up on him! Keep on giving him some TLC and he will be fat and healthy again!
I wanted to show you what a little TLC did for my little midas blenny. When I saw him at my LFS, he was skin and bones, very fragile after having been harrassed by other fish and not eating, and I didn't know if he would make it, but I wanted him. I got him in my 14gal Biocube and after some TLC, which included me taking a syringe of frozen brine and mysis soaked in vitamins and squirting it slowly at him because he was too afraid at first to swim out to get the food himself, he got fat and healthy. I had to do the syringe feeding for about a week. After that, he got stronger and more confident and swam out to get the food himself. I am so glad that I took him home and gave him a chance! This has been a few months ago since these pictures were taken, but he continues to thrive and be beautiful, and healthy!
Skin and bones...

His color is much vibrant than this, (gorgeous, yellow and peach color with bright blue eyes) but here's the best of what came out!

So, kudos to you for not giving up on your little buddy. Keep us updated on the progress!


i know its im pretty late responding, but i also have a bio cube and a yellow wacthman goby, just seems like a bad combo :p he always went into the chamber, anyways i bought a pistol shrimp and they stick together and the gobie never went back into the chamber. So mabye invest in on of those, its also really cool to see them together.


New Member
I had that horrible experience, too...
Anyway, it can be easily fix by sticking a sponge at the top of the 3rd chamber. So fish won't be able to suicide anymore.
Oh! My true percula! ~><~


Always cover intakes. People have fish get stuck in open powerheads as well. If a fish can fit in then cover it. I am so glad that your little guy is doing better!