Biocube intake and circualtion???


Active Member
I have read in a couple of places that some AquaPod owners block their lower in takes to get improved flow for their upper intakes and in turn better surface skimming.
BioCubes only have 1 upper and 1 lower intake...has any BioCube owner blocked their lower? Was there a success story to go with it and how did you block the lower intake?
As always, thanks in advance for any assistance!


I blocked my lower one, but it didn't seem to help. It actually seemed to make it more cloudy by doing so. so i unblocked the lower one.


I unblocked all of mine and replaced the sponges with filter floss, far superior results IMO. This is in an AP


Originally Posted by NudiLove
I unblocked all of mine and replaced the sponges with filter floss, far superior results IMO. This is in an AP
Whats an AP?
ALso i let my algae grow near the bottom intake to block it, i think this was a stupid idea to put bottom intake in my opinion. I hate the design. I love the jbj nano cube designs. Simple and easy.