biocube or eclipse


New Member
I have the eclipse 12gal. This is my first saltwater aquarium. My question is for a starter tank should I use the eclipse or buy the Biocube. I am wondering is the eclipse lighting good enough for coral. I have live rock in the eclipse and tiny starfish are appearing and also flower leather coral is growing. so should I buy the bio?
Thank you


I have had both and so far like everything about the biocube better.


New Member
thank you
also i have very small green or blue starfish with 6 legs growing in my tank. they came along on the live rock i bought. should i keep them or are they harmful?


post pics! It's probably an asterina starfish. They only get like an inch in diameter. They are great algae grazers and are reef safe. I would keep him.


Active Member
wat Texas state champ were u in 07?
Graduated Class of 07 in Texas lol...
And get the Biocube all the way! Ecplispe arent really made for SW


i have an eclipse 2.nano and have had it over a year and havent had any probs. was hesitant bout it at first and am now very imprest.i did how ever retro fit the lighting w/ a sunpaq,so if u go with the eclipse i definetly encourage getting it.btw i have a RTBA,blue striped shrooms,green/brown shrooms,nuclear zoanthids,some red zoos,green zoos,candy cane corals,orange friily spounge,clowns,yellow wrasse,purple fridmani,nas snails hermis,turbos, lawnmower blenni...come to think of it,its getting maxed out.still need to ad some more soft first tank,if i only knew then what i know now,which isnt tha much btw!!


thanx she a really good pup....its a 20 gal.I have a 37 gal im thinking about switching to but im thinking ''if its not broke don't fix it!''


if u want corals yes,sunpaq makes the retro fit and its about $50.00 give or take $20.00 depending on which eclipse you get.