Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
Your nitrates are getting a bit high. Check your protein skimmer to make sure that it is running efficiantly. Make sure that you have enough flow by adding a few powerheads to your main tank. You should have more detitrus eaters. Maybe you can stock up with a variety of gobies and blennies. Maybe a jawfish to stir up the sandbed. Get something functional at least. I think swf.com has firefish for a deal right now, they're really cool and add a bit to the reef. Anthias would be neat, but require a nice fully grown reef to survive. They do well in groups.
Your tank can take a heck of a lot more fish and more bioload. In my old 90 gallon aquarium, I had four tangs, two clowns, baggai cardinal, six blue reef chromis, six line wrasse, lawnmower blenny, mandarin goby and some other fish. I wasn't even close to reaching my max, so you should be good.
I would agree with that light of a bioload, your nitrates should me miniscule. You have alot of room to play with in my opinion. But first I'd try to figure out where those trates are comming from. To float some Ideas, not mentioned before, you may be feeding to much, and what are you using for water alot of times tap water intoduces that stuff into the system.
Why not get some larger fish, you have a huge tank! Plenty of room for tangs! Personally I love the sailfin.