bioload in complete 90 gal?


New Member
So my plans were for a 240-250 gal afowlr.
Ive been offered a complete 90 gal for $50. By complete I mean live sand, live rock, skimmer, uv, and 2 filters in a 20 gal sump.
So the question i have is,
How many fish? Got a suggested list? Minimums are a 1 lion, 1 trigger, and 1 SFE.


Active Member
Depending on the species, your particular species list is too large for a 90gal.
99% of all Triggers and Volitan Lions grow too large for a 90gal tank.
I'd buy the 90gal and then use it as a sump, for your upcoming 240.


Active Member
you should be ok with that stock list except the trig. if i were you i would cycle the tank, add the eel, wait 2 weeks, add the lion, and wait about 2 months to make sure everything is happy and healthy. once the tank is very mature (6 months) you will be able to keep 1" of fish per every 2 gallons of water. (rule doesnt apply for extreemly fat fish or long skinny eels, on those you kind of have to guestimate)
good luck


Originally Posted by autofreak44
you should be ok with that stock list except the trig. if i were you i would cycle the tank, add the eel, wait 2 weeks, add the lion, and wait about 2 months to make sure everything is happy and healthy. once the tank is very mature (6 months) you will be able to keep 1" of fish per every 2 gallons of water. (rule doesnt apply for extreemly fat fish or long skinny eels, on those you kind of have to guestimate)
good luck

I'm sorry, but this rule doesnt apply to more than just fat fish, and long skinny eels, this rule applies to absolutely nothing. Not trying to be mean here, but according to this rule, he could house 4 full grown 9"-12" blue tangs.


Originally Posted by Tony44
I'm sorry, but this rule doesnt apply to more than just fat fish, and long skinny eels, this rule applies to absolutely nothing. Not trying to be mean here, but according to this rule, he could house 4 full grown 9"-12" blue tangs.
Very true, I think you can find out how many inches of fish you can keep by calculating surface area.


I don't believe in any in per fish rule. You can only keep as many fish as your bio load will allow. Also you have to figure in how big these fish will get. The eel and the lion with a wrasse. The eel and the lion are really messy eaters. You could do a real cool wrasse like a tusk. Could put a GSM in there also. That would be cool. Also look into the attena sp? They stay smaller.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tony44
I'm sorry, but this rule doesnt apply to more than just fat fish, and long skinny eels, this rule applies to absolutely nothing. Not trying to be mean here, but according to this rule, he could house 4 full grown 9"-12" blue tangs.
being reasonable, who would put a 12" tang in his tank? that means i could keep a yellow tang in my nano
this rule should only be applied to fish that are appropriate for the tank, and once you can figure out which fish are right for the tank then use that rule
its not a precise science, a little guess work and research is needed to pick the right fish, and surely you know that


Originally Posted by autofreak44
being reasonable, who would put a 12" tang in his tank? that means i could keep a yellow tang in my nano
this rule should only be applied to fish that are appropriate for the tank, and once you can figure out which fish are right for the tank then use that rule
its not a precise science, a little guess work and research is needed to pick the right fish, and surely you know that
That is true too, but a lot of begginers dont know right from wrong when it comes to saltwater tanks. Cuz they jump in to sw tanks with no research at all .I've seen some begginer tanks and they are horribly overstocked with tangs and large angelfish stuff like that.


Originally Posted by Rslinger
Surfinusa is that your clown trig it is awsome. What size tank do you got.
Actually no, its the clown trigger pic that saltwater has, and right know I don't have a tank now. I had one about a year ago but it crashed, so no tank now. But I'm moving in a month and my parents will let me get a large fish tank.


Ahh..........I SEE. What size tank was it? How many of the fish that you give advice on have you kept. Just wondering, people making 1000's of dollars worth of decisions on the advice of someone who has no experience is scary to me. Just my thought. There really is no in per gallon rule. You really need to use common sense.
P.S. did you tank crash from being overstocked?


Originally Posted by Rslinger
Ahh..........I SEE. What size tank was it? How many of the fish that you give advice on have you kept. Just wondering, people making 1000's of dollars worth of decisions on the advice of someone who has no experience is scary to me. Just my thought. There really is no in per gallon rule. You really need to use common sense.
P.S. did you tank crash from being overstocked?
It was a 29 gallon it did not crash from being overstocked the heater malfunctioned and the few fish I did have died. Most of the info I give is not from experience but from lots of research. But trust me I do not give advice on corals, lights, filtration and stuff like that. More like fish suggestions and telling people they have very nice tanks. I'm getting a large tank soon so I can have some more experience. I would never give advice on something I am unsure about. And I'm sure your saying it in a calm way, and I want to let you know I'm saying it in a calm way too.


Yeah for sure I ment no offense. Its just booksmart and streetsmart. You can read every law book and think your a good. But until you try a case you know nothing. But yes I understand you and I ment no offense.


Originally Posted by Rslinger
Yeah for sure I ment no offense. Its just booksmart and streetsmart. You can read every law book and think your a good. But until you try a case you know nothing. But yes I understand you and I ment no offense.
Cool, I am glads we are clear


Originally Posted by Rslinger
I don't believe in any in per fish rule. You can only keep as many fish as your bio load will allow. Also you have to figure in how big these fish will get. The eel and the lion with a wrasse. The eel and the lion are really messy eaters. You could do a real cool wrasse like a tusk. Could put a GSM in there also. That would be cool. Also look into the attena sp? They stay smaller.
no offense but clearly youve never had a tusk
tusks are messier than lions by alot
tusks constantly eat food and then spit it back out and repeat its only natural for the tusks