1) YOu really should not keep a yellow tang in that size tank. Considering ithe tangs larval stage, then it was not Captive Bred. That means that it used to be located in the open ocean. But then it was taken from its home, stressed in the shipping, then stuck in a tank, that won't allow it to clear it's gills.
2) Shista- Good advice on this subject has been given over and over again. We are trying to say it as many ways as possible, but the tang can't be put in that tank. If you look at every (mature) response, you will notice that they mention getting rid of the tang, including 2 moderators.
Please, please do take the advice, and put the fish into a proper home! Please!
3) Everyone- that made the sarcastic, and derogatory comments (even if the comments where just jokes...which was at shista's expense). I understand if you are frustrated, that Shista isn't listening, but do you think the best way to handle it is by making such comments? I just don't think that that was a good way to handle it!