biological filtration


New Member
I was wondering if I could use live sand and live rock as the only means of filtration in a 55 gallon. If so, how much of each would I need ? I have read some posts about the play sand, but I'm not sure if it can be "seeded" by live rock or if one needs to get a certain amount of live sand to mix with it. Thanks!


You can definately rely on just biological filtration with LR/LS. A DSB 4-6" and at least 1-1.5 lbs./gal. of LR is recommended, depending on your bio-load. The LR will seed the sand with beneficial bacteria - although adding any amount of live sand for a DSB wouldn't hurt, either. I would also get a good clean-up crew. I have a 55 with biological, only.


Argonite, Southdown play sand and a big scoop of sand from a friends established tank. Are you going to have a reef or a fish only?


New Member
It's going to be a reef tank. I have had a 55 gallon fish only for a year and just got a new 55 gallon for my birthday.


Oh, wow, have fun!:D Well, then I guess I have 5 more months to wait - thankfully, this hobby has taught me to have patience!


you should be okay doing this you just have to watch a little more carefully. make sure to use arragonite and NOT cc. you probably already know this but just in case. good luck!!


How do you run things like a phospate sponge with out some sort of power filter?
I have also found myself in a position where I needed to run carbon for a few days to clean things up. How would run that?


Good question! I have a HOT Magnum filter that I used to run when I needed carbon and/or phosphate sponges. I haven't needed it for a while so now it is empty and runs for surface agitation. A refugium is a beneficial addition!

david s

If you use Playsand make sure it is southdown look at home depot for it that is were you will find it


New Member
Went to Home Depot today and they did not have Southdown brand. Maybe it is only sold "back East" ? They had playsand, but it was a different brand. Anybody out West here find southdown playsand?Thanks!


New Member
I'm here in San Jose, California....the sand is called PlaySand from the beaches in Monterey, CA...kiln dried and fine....30MESH....thas what it says on the bag.....3 bucks for 50lbs