Biological starters?


Just wondering if people recommend these for new or starting over an existing tank. If so what kind to use. Thanks!


I would use lr or ls if I was going to start a new tank. Lr a def. though there are so many benefits. This will over time turn your sand live anyways.


I have used them at the beginning and after each addition to my tanks, but I wouldn't bank on them. Some actually claim you can fully stock your tank the first day--without waiting for your cycle--you could loose alot of money believing that one.
Good Luck


Never used one, so I won't tell you "don't".
But, as far as the "first day" thing goes....unless I see the ammonia spike, followed by the nitrite spike, followed by nitrates and a water change...I'm not putting any fish in.


I used a product called Cycle. My tank has been cycling for 4 weeks, almost five now (but I'll have to admit I added LR in the middle of hte cycle which definately prolonged it). But I haven't seen any major benefits. Honestly, I was hoping to, considering the money I spent on it, but someone here I believe told me it might shorten the cycling time by a week. Seeing as how its $20 a bottle, and it took 2 bottles to "cyle," I would say just wait it out and buy a nice fish with the $40 when its cycled :)
I used Nitro-Max Marine to help start my tank cycling. Similar to Cycle, I also use it when I do water changes. I also used live rock and a couple damsels with my initial cycle last year. Now I'm not sure if it was the addition of the Nitro-Max but I had minimal ammonia levels, a very quick spike and in the end, ideal water parameters within a couple weeks. Would I use it again and the same method? You bet! Do I bet everything on a claim that I can stock a fish tank in 24 hours. No takes me a month to get one fish quarantined and transfered to my main tank before I get another fish.


Active Member
I've got mixed feelings about using bacteria in a bottle.
There's something to be said for allowing the biological filtration to "establish" on it's own, in it own time, according to the amount of ammonium ions produced from either "cycling" fish, or die off from live rock. This to me is the best way. The biological filtration, be it sandbed, live rock, bioballs, biowheel or filter floss becomes populated by beneficial bacteria naturally. They respond to the amount of "fuel" they have, reproduce and become the basis for future nitrogen compound conversion.
Solid - Tested - True
Bacteria in a bottle .... well I still don't know about this stuff. Take a tank, fill it with saltwater, heat it up, and start dumping in various strains of bacteria all at once.
Are they alive in the bottle ?
Are they dorment ?
Are they dead ?
Is there an immediate fuel source for them when they hit the water, or do they wait until some ammonium or nitrite is there to feast on ?
I don't know - seems sort of silly to me to spend money on bacteria, not the first time I've said that here, but it does seem silly.
We always want stuff to happen so fast.
Get out of my way, get going, why are we waiting so long, quick fast hurried results, much like the rest of our lives lately.
But my feelings are let it be .... let the bacteria respond and reproduce as they were designed ( or have evolved ) to do, and let the system's biological filtration become what it will become.
A cycling tank is the first test of our level of patience.
Patience many times = success


Active Member
broomer, you always have a great response, you must do the one thing i don't, and that is think about your response a long time, because it is always so good to read
anyhow, i do not use them, i do not like them, and would never bank on their effectiveness, as mentionded befroe, they may help somewhat but not enough to bank on full stocking rapidly, this is their main problem, too many do think they are that effective and rely on them and get into trouble by overstocking and too soon
IMO, i would much rahter put that money towards fish or something else(we always can use money in this hobby), especially since it does not do anything taht you can't do without it, plus i do not think there is anything good in this hobby that happens fast


Don't you think it's kind of ironic that for as much as we spend on these tanks of ours for this piece of equipment or that- this product or that-when really the most effective keys to success are free and yet sometimes the hardest for people to aquire???
All Good things will come to those who wait.
well usually anyway :D


Thanks to all. I guess I should have explained a little more. The tank I'm talking about was a two year old very well established one. While on vacation it sprung a leak. A friend staying at my place while I was gone did the best he could with the knowledge he has. I told him everything I could think of but a leak. His only mistake was he emptied the wet/dry down the drain and rinsed it out because he said it was really gross and dirty. I was so sad. But I understand where he was coming from. Sad thing was I finally got a hold of him about 20 min. after he dumped it.
Oh well! I'm starting over and trying to maintain the fish load I have and cycle the tank as fast as I can. I would never use anything but a fish or two if I was starting a new tank. It's a 70g.
with about 50lb. live rock, wet/dry with skimmer.
I have a yellow tang, general star fish and 4 damsels.