Biowheel question


Active Member
i am setting up a 10 gallon tank. i put the sand in and then the water. now here is my question. the tank is all milky and cloudy as expected. will a biowheel clear up the tank?


Your filter will clean up some of it but the biowheel won't by its self. Don't worry it will eventually settle.


I run a biowheel in my 29 gal. setup. The biowheel will clear it up, but it's good to rinse the filter (not the wheel) if it looks like a lot of the dust is getting trapped in there. It will clear up nicely in a few days. Mine has been crystal clear.


The spinning wheel is the media on which your beneficial bacteria will grow. Actually it is a filter of sorts (loosly, wet/dry). But the filter that you want to rinse off is the insert filter pad with the blue covering. That is your chemical filter. It contains activated charcoal, among other things and will strain out physical matter that gets sucked into the biowheel chamber via the pump that sticks down into the tank. So take out the filter pad and rinse that off when it accumulates some of the fine particles of sand. It should be able to be rinsed several times while the cloud clears. Then just replace it whenever it seems to be dirty.

aqua blue

Hello HNF2K.
Sounds like you may have only the bio wheel being powered by a powerhead or other pump. If it is just a bio wheel alone, and not a bio wheel that is attached to a power filter with other media, then it will only provide biological filtration by allowing bacteria to grow on the wheel as it turns and exposes its surface to air. Many bio wheel power filters, like the penguin and emperor, are power filters that use cartridges to provide mechanical and chemical filtration and also have a bio wheel attached to provide better biological filtration. These cartidges are usually blue filter pads covering charcol on the inside. That is what would filter the debri and trash out of the water and would need to be cleaned or changed out to clear the water effectively.
I may be confusing the issue more, but it seems like we may be talking about two differnt types of bio wheel filters.
Eventually the sand will settle reguardless of which filter you have.
Good Luck and Enjoy! :)


In my biowheel system, there is a tube that protrudes into the tank that sucks water up into the small resevoir, then it flows through the chemical filtration media, then runs over the wheel itself, then returns back to the tank under the wheel.
Let me know if you need any more help... maybe you can e-mail me if need be.


Active Member
it's the penguin model 125. i didnt go out a buy it. i found it downstairs where it has been for the last at least 10 years.