

:rolleyes: I'm just curious if anyone knows....will it help to keep your water parameters in check if you add biozyme after adding a new fish or invert to a tank???
That's stuff's crap.
Don't use it. It didn't do anything for me.
Let the natural cycle go through, and use a cocktail shrimp to jumpstart it.
I used it - and I can't say that it did anything for my tank- it cycled in about 4 weeks with LR. It may or may not work- I think it only cost about $4 though so?


waste of $$$ & time...just us LR or LS or uncooked cocktail shrimp to cycle a tank...or were you talking about the liquid stuff you add that treats the water & adds protective slime coat supposedly also help reduce stress to the fish??? if so, THAT stuff will treat the water for chlorine & such & may or may not coat the fish, but it WILL make your skimmer go crazy for up to a week...
I tried it on my QT tank originally to get it through the cycle faster.... or so I thought.
It didn't do anything for my cycle. My cycle still took a full 30 days, including using a cocktail shrimp to jumpstart the cycle.
All that biozyme stuff did is leave a powder residue on the bottom of the tank (to this day).