Birthday/Christmas Gift for the Mom Who Has Everything...


Active Member
So it's about that time when I need to start coming up w/some gift ideas for my mom for her birthday and Christmas. This is always really hard because everything I can buy her she can buy for herself. She's already told my sister and dad she doesn't want anything because she has too many "things" already. I'm trying to think of something creative and fun to get her or a fun experience we can do together. Pedicures/manicures won't work because she gets them on a regular basis. Got any good idea?
She likes
-food (but not cooking!)
-Dogs (we already have 2!), baby elephants :) and zebras


Active Member
Not a bad idea...unfortunately the Alaska Zoo literally just shipped off our elephant to an elephant sanctuary about a month ago...and we don't have any zebras :( Bad timing!


Active Member
Yeah, I totally didn't realize there is a similar thread already out there...Except I wasn't clever enough to entice responses w/a free gift. It's a bit different because he's looking for something for his wife, not his mom...but I might get a good idea anyway...