Birthday gift from my kids


" you think its safe to go in?"
"naw man,,,there could be a mantis in that cave!"

their so much fun to watch. I could sit for hours. their sooooooo tiny

I dont know if I even want any other fish in the tank, maybe just a few more snails/hermits and stuff and the zoa's that I've started on, I think two clowns will be plenty of fishes in a 24g...idk
what do you all think??


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
1 more! How about a royal gramma?
I hear they are teritorial.....
I thought about a yellow watchman goby, but no one has them around here...have to order online...idk


We have a yellow watchman, he is so much fun to watch. In a totally different way from our clown though, he sits on top of the umbrella mushroom and scowls at everyone. Whenever we approach the tank, or another tank mate gets too close to his spot, he tries to make himself look big and opens his mouth real wide.

The clown just never stops! He gets so excited to see me. "Look, the lady with the food is coming!" He seems to say as he swims up to greet me and does tricks. He's more like a puppy than a fish and the yellow watchman is more like a cat.
We also have a teeny-tiny neon goby who cleans my hand whenever I am spot feeding corals etc. and a shy orange firefish who hangs out in the cave, plus a twin spot who we haven't seen since we got him (he was supposed to sift the sand.)


Originally Posted by Kazzy
You should get a shrimp goby and pair him/her with a pistol shrimp.
We got our pistol shrimp for the yellow watchman, but I'm not sure they've ever seen each other. They live on opposite sides of the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dksart
We got our pistol shrimp for the yellow watchman, but I'm not sure they've ever seen each other. They live on opposite sides of the tank.
How much is rent now a days?! LOL I know what you meant, but it sounds funny LOL>