Bizarre "thing" on hermit...


Last night I was watching one of our hermit crabs and noticed this black thing coming from the side of the shell. At first I thought it was one of the hermit's back legs but as I watched the hermit would jerk his front legs back when the black thing touched them. I called my DH in and as we watched, what we though was part of the hermit's shell rose up every so slightly and what appeared to be a small black snail stuck it's antennae and foreleg(?) out.
I can't say it was attacking the crab or hurting it but it didn't seem like the crab liked it touching him. But it also looked like it was something that had been with the crab for a long time. The "snail's" shell completely matches that of the hermit's.
Tried to get a picture of it but there wasn't one that was clear, my macro just isn't strong enough. Does anyone know what this might be or if it needs to be removed??


I was thinking maybe... that's what the shell reminded me of... Do you think it's harmful if it is?
I could post a picture but you wouldn't really see anything but the hermit, macro just isn't strong enough.


Active Member
I called my DH in and as we watched,
You have a designated hitter at home?
Sounds like it might be a barnacle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by The_Hadleys

DH = Dear Husband
If it is a barnacle, should I try and remove it?
uhoh... someone goes on the new mom boards...
if it's a barnacle, just leave it. but... grab the hermit out and get a picture of it for us to verify :)


I don't mean to hijack, but I'm gonna. I got some extra shells for my hermits from my LFS including a 3 1/2" conch shell that's pretty cool looking. It came out of one of the DT's in the store. I needed a bigger one because I have a pretty big hermit that was severely outgrowing it's shell. Just as I thought I put the shells in and about 20 minutes later he was in the shell walking around. I the noticed that on the end of the shell at the pointed tip there is what appears to be a small featherduster looking thing. I'll take pics when I get home later. I don't care if it's a featherduster, I just want to make sure it's not aiptasia. Anybody have anything similar?


New Member
I would offer the Hermit some empty shells. If the thing on his shell is causing problems, the Hermit will most like move into a new shell.
I always have empty shells in the tanks that houses Hermits...especially if there are snails in the tank.
I had a colony of small tubeworms/featherdusters on the shell of a few Keyhole (local name) Limpets. I thought they were the neatest things. Unfortunately the colonies were wiped out from a Panacur treatment (this was a DSH tank).


Thanks! We've got lots of extra shells of all shapes and sizes in the tank.
That's a really good idea to actually take the hermit out of the tank to take the picture - much easier.


New Member
I found this same thing on my hermit crab. It looks like another shell on his shell, but it is attached somehow. It can lift itself up to stick out it's antannae and a black tongue looking thing. My hermit crab doesn't seem bothered by this, but it appears mine may have 3 hitchhikers on him, what do you guys think? Sorry I couldn't take a picture with him out, neither were cooperating with me :(