Black and gold Rabbitfish not moving much?


So I picked up a black and gold rabbitfish 2 days ago. That is what the LFS had it marked as, I think it is the same as a Scribbled Rabbitfish, but different sites have different pictures.
Anyway, the fish has not moved much in 2 days. he just sits by the rocks breathing hard(or appears to be). Randomly he will up and move to a new spot. I have yet to see him eat while im feeding the others. His colors seem good, no signs of illness. He seems stressed out.
Is this normal for rabbitfish?
My wife picked the fish out before I did any research on it. I have just what the LFS told her.


Originally Posted by hlcroghan
What are the water parameters and how long did you acclimate?

nitrite .25
ammonia .20
ph 8.4
nitrate 30 ppm.
I believe they got spiked do to having to remove all my rock to get rid of the dreaded damsels, rather move my rock around to chase them.

Acclimation was about 1.5 hours. He was fine at the LFS, but seemed shocked when we got home.
Now since I typed this he went scooting around the tank for a bout a minute then went back to just lounging by a rock and not moving much. He is no longer breather heavy. Every thing I have read since I posted this leans towards these fish taking a while to get acclimated to new homes.


Just rechecked my levels and they look good

nitrite .25
ammonia 0
ph 8.4
nitrate 0
Not sure what his deal is, when he decides to swim around, which is not often he looks great, but then he goes and hides by a rock or something and just sits there.