Black and white percula questions for all of you....


I was looking at getting a pair (not mated just a pair) of black and white perculas. I have a long tentacle that is in my tank. Heres is the question.....Most of my lfs have them in a pair and they get along if I put them in my tank they should do the same but since there is only on anenome will they fight over it and should I get another long tentacle. Here's the second question.....Most of my lfs black and white percula's are black/white but there faces have red in them I know when they grow that disapears but how long does it ussualy take. Should I buy them with there full adult colors? Finnaly for the anenome compatibility they basicly use the same anenomes as flase perculas?


if they are a pair they won't fight over the anemone, but there is also a chance they won't host in the long tentacle either.


To tell you the truth,
I don't know, I only have experiance with the rare clowns such as thiellei, lazetonaus, picasso, and maroons, but if there was anyway you could get a picture, I could find out for you.


Originally Posted by Bluekoran
so what are they false perculas or true, or orceliass
you should have done your research before buying my friend. black and white clowns are not true perculas. there is also a possibility that they might not even pair up, depending on their size. i bought 2 tiny ocelaris(false percs) a few years ago and kept them in a 20 gal in hopes that they would pair up, but they never did. post some pics asap


Active Member
They could be black variants of A. polymnus or black A. ocellaris. The orange/red on the nose means they are more likely to be A. ocellaris, aka Darwin clowns or Australian clowns. False perculas are the same as ocellaris btw.
The orange/red on the faces do not always disappear as the clown ages.


hmmm ok there flase percs....good to no. I didn't buy yet i might in a couple weeks still doing reaserch though. I was thinking of just buying a pair of them that just gets along im not in search of breeding them just two that will do well with each other.


Hey Riccio, that looks exactly like my pair......fully black and white.
Well my experience with my pair of tank raised black and white ocellarius is that it took about 4-5 months before they hosted (in a rbta). Since then the rbta died and I replaced it a couple months later, they started to host right away in the new rbta. Since then my second rbta died, now they host in my green clove polyps. I'm not sure why my 2 rbta's died but I placed them midway up the tank and they seemed to move down slowly (too much light???? I doubt it.)
- BlueKoran, how much is a pair of black/white Ocellarius? I always wanted to see a price but never find them for sale.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maroonytun
There is a store in Michigan that sells mated pairs for $100 of black and white occelaris
I doubt they're actually mated.


Ok.....well I have one last question is there a good site that can send you a mated pair or a pair for a decent price and there good service and good price?


Active Member
Originally Posted by maroonytun
They have about 10 tanks dedicated to breeding clownfish.
And all the pairs lay eggs?
I'd say $200+, and I'm talking about a true mated pair, not just a regular pair.


Most of them do.
I am going there either thursday, friday, or saturday.
I will try to get pics.
I talked to them today and they said they have pairs of black occels in, but i forgot to ask if they were mated. They do have mated pairs that aren't for sale though, but from what I hear they can be bribed for about $200-$275.