black banded shark info?


does anyone know if u could keep a niger trigger with a black banded cat shark and a blue spotted stingray?


The long and short of it is yes, in a large enough tank. Usually nigers are fairly docile but there is always the exception. It is difficult to predict wether any trigger will or will not bother sedentary elasmobranchs but it is best to err on the side of caution.
I do have one question, though, what size tank are the shark and ray in presently? I don't want to make assumptions based on the little info listed for you. I would suggest that they most definitely need to kept in aquaria over 180 gallons or more. The banded shark can reach well over three feet in captivity and the blue-spotted ray over 18 inches.


i dont have yet but i have a 125 and i am getting ababy catshark and a 6 inch blue spot wqhen they get to big my friends taking them for his 300.but the bluespot in A aqurium they only get up to 12 inches i thought.


triggers are a can be bipoler you never know what thay will do. i would never put one with a ray .triggers fear nothing


Active Member
That bluespotted ray will need even a little more than 300 gallons if you ask me. The are extremely active and have very very long tails that require a lot of maneuvering space. It would be able to survive very long in a 125 either.