black banded shark

i just hatched a baby banded shark in a community tank cause when i bought the egg i had expected to have a large tank for it but all i have right now that is not a reef tank is a 55g but how long will it live in a 55g and how much sand and rock does it have to have, and wat all will live with it


ok this is a problem He might not be eating today but you might wake up one morning missing fish. they shouldn't be kept in anything smaller than a 100gl tank.I agree they are really cool I wanted one but I only have a 90gl. if there is anything sharp like rock or rock something like that he can cut himself and get an infection. good luck hope to see a pic of him.. how long did it take for him to hatch?


The shark will not survive in a 55 gallon. My opinion is that no species of shark should be kept in anything less than 300 gallons of water. A 100 gallon is still no where near a large enough tank.
I'd look for a new home for the animal immediately, unfortunately many of these sharks hatched in captivity don't survive due to pet stores selling the eggs to uneducated buyers.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by saltwaternube
i just hatched a baby banded shark in a community tank cause when i bought the egg i had expected to have a large tank for it but all i have right now that is not a reef tank is a 55g but how long will it live in a 55g and how much sand and rock does it have to have, and wat all will live with it

By community tank what do you mean ? triggers and puffers are a big no no .
You will be ok with it in a 55 for a short time but you really need to plan upgrading . Wth in about 6 months you will need at least a 125-130 and not long after you should think something along the lines of a 220-300 gallon tank . Lots of very fine grade sand bed and some rock for the shark to hide in. Most important is water quality . It needs to be perfect or you will loose your little pup. Absolutly no fluctuations in trates/trites/amonia as well as keeping you SG stable . Sharks are extremely sensitive to water quality and fluctuations .


Active Member
I have no idea why you would purchase a shark egg??? Looked pretty cool in the store huh.

Probably a good idea to ask some questions or actually do some research before buying a shark. JMO


Originally Posted by crimzy
I have no idea why you would purchase a shark egg??? Looked pretty cool in the store huh.

Here's my advice if you want to do the best thing for the animal: Grab it by the tail, take it out of the water and smash it's head against the wall. At least the shark will be put out of its misery quickly.
Probably a good idea to ask some questions or actually do some research before buying a shark. JMO


Originally Posted by crimzy
I have no idea why you would purchase a shark egg??? Looked pretty cool in the store huh.

Here's my advice if you want to do the best thing for the animal: Grab it by the tail, take it out of the water and smash it's head against the wall. At least the shark will be put out of its misery quickly.
Probably a good idea to ask some questions or actually do some research before buying a shark. JMO
lol is that really nessesary?


lets keep this on a positive track and give real advise to the OP. that statment was abit out of line!!!


Originally Posted by crimzy
I have no idea why you would purchase a shark egg??? Looked pretty cool in the store huh.

Probably a good idea to ask some questions or actually do some research before buying a shark. JMO


el guapo

Active Member
I agree lets keep it positive .
There is not one of us here that hasn't made a mistake in the hobby . We need to do what we can to help out others so they don't keep making mistakes .
Originally Posted by saltwaternube
i just hatched a baby banded shark in a community tank cause when i bought the egg i had expected to have a large tank for it but all i have right now that is not a reef tank is a 55g but how long will it live in a 55g and how much sand and rock does it have to have, and wat all will live with it
First thing you need to do is do a lot of research. When the shark is hatched the priority is to get it to feed which can be the tricky part. As for how long it can stay in a 55g I'd say maybe a couple of months. I'd be looking for a good home for it or a 480g aquarium or pond.


Originally Posted by Sooner_Reefer
First thing you need to do is do a lot of research. When the shark is hatched the priority is to get it to feed which can be the tricky part. As for how long it can stay in a 55g I'd say maybe a couple of months. I'd be looking for a good home for it or a 480g aquarium or pond.
I agree here. Upgrading to a 100 will not help the shark out. Get him eating and go from there. He may need live food at first, which may very well be his tank mates if they are small enough to fit into his mouth. You can certainly try silver sides, frozen krill, scallops, pieces of squid, or any other SW fish flesh, on a stick. Wiggle it in front of him. Soaking it in garlic may help. Try your best to get this baby eating.
he seems to be doing good right now in the 55 but i just purchased a 150 gallon i have cycling for him to go in as soon as its ready, he is eating really good, very good appetite, moving around alot i oly have rock in each corner for it to hide in so plenty of swimming room, but i do still have plans for an upgrade here very soon.
and i bought it as an egg cause i wanted to watch it grow from a baby, when i bought it i already had a 300g but the people i had shipping it for me shattered the bottom out of it and they were family so i couldn't really do anything about it, or kill any of them, i didn't buy it just cause it looked cool, i had a plan, ad i think i might have another 300 gallon, but this time acrylic, so hopefully i will still have a great home for it.