black cap pencil wrasse


w00t, just picked up a black cap juvi male changing for $20, im totally stoked. its liek christmas!!!!


Active Member
Sweet deal. I've not been able to find one that didn't have some mouth damage. What type of top are you running to contain this torpedo?


just eggcrate and some crossed fingers :) , i actually succesfully kept one for several months last year but due to soem idiot maintenance guys in my condo when i wasnt home i lost him and a blue spot jawfish in the same day. i still contend they stole the jawfish...anyway....
i acclimated him and then had to goto work, hoping hes still good when i get home


i just woke him up :) im goin out for some errands but ill see if i can get some good ones up later today
Is there any other names this fish goes by? I'm having trouble finding pics of one, I'm just curious I have never heard of it.


..there will be no pics. i lost him :( he was fine happy and eating and i walked away from the tank after feeding, came back 15 mins later and he was gone. im guessing he jumped but i couldn't find him on the floor anywhere. heres holding out hope he got spooked and is in hiding....


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Pseudojuloides severnsi

ya, beautiful fish when mature the juvis are pink and look kinda like a young flasher. my old one was actually a psuedojuloidies cerasinus , small tail wrasse. maybe ill be quitting the pencil wrasse game until i get a hood and chiller.