Black dog face puffer


i have a black DF puffer that wont eat a lot, i think it is because some of the other fish are more aggressive eaters, he nibbles on the krill and is pooping so should i be worried?


panther grouper, huma trigger and tesse eel, had the puffer a little over a week. He is in a 80G tank but this is only for the time being. Very soon he will be going to a much bigger tank.


Active Member
I wouldnt worry about it because sooner or later you're gonna have a species only tank for that Tess. once it eats everything else.


Active Member
Well that was kinda sarcastic, but still true.
What have you tried feeding the puffer and how big is he?


or i could give the tesse to my uncle who has this huge butt bumblebee grouper
the puffer is about 4 1/2 inches and i tryed sliversides and freeze dried krill. I may try a clam or very small feeder fish, because the lfs owner had him for a bit and ate this and other things like krill.


Active Member
well, do not feed him feeder fish. That is never a good idea for any saltwater fish. I would try frozen blood worms and live black worms. Smaller puffers normally like both of those a lot.


Active Member
Because they are not as high in fats and will not give the fish fatty liver disease. I have also noticed that feeding fish feeder fish just make them more aggressive than they need to be. At least when they are eating worms, it does not give them the impression that it is okay to eat other fish. Also, I would imagine the grouper and eel would tear up the feeder fish way before the puffer got to them.


Active Member
Absoluteley. Maybe I just misread the person then. Anytime I read feeder fish, I automatically think of goldfish, rosies, and guppies. If he is talking about saltwater feeders, by all means, go for it! I just don't know where one would find saltwater feeders.

bang guy

I meant something more like Krill, Lancefish or Silversides. Midge Larvae just doesn't sounds right to me and Tubifex Worms are a freshwater creature that only live in polluted water. I doubt they would have adequate nutrition for a saltwater animal.


Active Member
You need to provide hard shelled foods on a regular basis to keep the teeth filed down. Since they eat hard shelled foods in the wild...mother nature has given them a rapid growing set of teeth.
If you do not do this the fish will evetually stop eating once the teeth are overgrown and will die.


New Member
OMG! I cant believe you have a black dogface. I love puffers and have only seen one black dogface. It was $200 and i couldn't afford it at the time, and have seen none since. Do you know anywhere i can order one from? I live in SC if you know anywhere around here. Thanks!


Active Member
well as for the feeding of you dogface i would try and stay clear of the freeze dried variety of foods they tend to lose alot of the nutrients during the drying process.try feeding all of your other fish first then stick or hand feed (watch your fingers)your puffer while the others are busy or full.puffers need a variety of meaty foods such as raw shrimp(grocery store brand is fine with veins intact)frozen krill(thawed) squid(also from grocer)silverslides,
if you have sand in the bottom and not cc try adding just a bit of cc to your substrate for your puffer to chew on(it helps keep beak filed)I also feed my puffers crab meat(real not imitation raw)they tend to like larger chunked foods.I also thaw the food with 2 drops of garlic extreme to entice eating.hope this helps