black dots- looks like mold but not fuzzy?


my clown has a couple of larger-than-ick BLACK dots on the right side of his body. they are not defined at the outer edges and don't really look like a growth but within the skin. there are six of them and spaced out over his entire right side and dorsal fin. what is it and what is the best way to heal it? any suggestions are much appreciated. thanks!


Staff member
Are they approx. the size and shape of salt, only black? Like ich, only black?


no they are much larger. they are about the size of this o. about six or so of them only on the right side? its been three days and not going away. could it be a type of mold or fungus? its within the skin though, not raised.


Staff member
I was thinking black spot disease, but from the discription, it does not sound like it. Lets see if Terry comes on and can answer.


great thank you. i know it looks very unusual, nothing like i've ever seen or ever heard of. i hope terry knows so we can figure this out. i don't know what kind of treatment to go ahead with (i.e. formalin bath, freshwater dip, etc). i don't want to stress him if he does have disease and don't have to...


hey Lily,
I am seeing something on my yellow tang that sounds like what your clown has. It is not as larger in sisze as yours but is black. Started out as 5 small black specks and then I noticed she was darting and scratching but I couldn't see anything. Now I noticed some black on her pec. fins and dorsal fins. I can't figure out if it maybe be from the rubbing off the rock or what. I am sooo confused. I have done a Formulin bath and am treating the tank. Nothing else in the tank seems to have any signs so I don't know what to do. Any help From you Terry or Beth would be great. Beth I thought maybe she had Black Spot disease but I am not so sure now.


hi terry b thanks for writing back!
no, not raised or bloody. the spots are rather large and flat against the skin, Well, within the skin rather. there is now one on the other side of the top dorsal fin. He is not scratching or showing other signs and still eating well. It looks like a freckle. More brown than black. Does not look like pepper at all. Looks like six or so large spaced out symmetrical freckles mostly on right side except for new one that just popped up. Do you suggest i go with a formalin dip anyway? Perhaps its not contagious. I wish I could take a picture of it...


New Member
You know what I am talking about those little blue things that you can buy from the pet store?
I know what you mean it will spread and it will kill your fish.
I dont know but I think it is from a parasite. So like i said get a fish that will eat parasites you may find out something.
It spread very fast...Killed a tang as big as a sauser in two weeks.
Sorry if I caught you too late but dont disturb him. And try to feed if you can over feed a little try that too.
add some coral vital to the tank and hope for the best. I dont know what else to try. I really think it is either from dramatic temp change or it is a parasite.
TTYL Lucent


I've decided that its fungal, not parasitic. I came to this conclusion for two reasons:
1. I noticed that on my shower curtain there are spots that are the same kind of circular spots on my clown. Small, not raised, kind of within the curtain. This must be a mold at least in the case of my shower curtain.
2. As far as i know (b/c i am a phD student in molecular biology) infections at least in humans are caused by one or more (secondary infections) of four things: bacterial (if there are signs of pus), fungal (fungus, mold), parasitic (i.e. tapeworm), or viral. Most superficial infections without trauma (no cuts or scratches) are caused by a fungus (i.e. athlete's foot). I am no expert and I realize they are fish but he is eating well and still swimming actively. I hope at least from the process of elimination that if it is a fungal problem, it can be fixed on its own with time. Let me know if you have any more ideas. I'll keep you posted.
Thanks, Lilly


No, i took a roll yesterday trying to get some with my ten dollar camera but haven't had them developed yet. Hopefully, they will come out. Its just that freckles don't LOOK parasitic. I've seen ick, oodinium, and hexamita (at a few horrible fish stores) and it doesn't look like that at all. It looks like the spots on my shower curtain, flat and uniform. Beth, what are examples of fish fungal diseases albeit rare? Perhaps if I did some extensive research I could figure it out. I'll keep you posted on the pics.
Thanks, Lilly


Staff member
I do not know that much about fungal diseases, and, as I said, they are rare in marine fishes.
They usually result as a secondary manifestation of a primary problem--bacterial infection or parasitic infestation. An external fungal problem would be more than spots on tissue. It would be more like growth on the surface of the fish. The growth would be a discernable bumped area that is cottony in appearance.
Is this a young clownfish? As Terry said, juvenile clowns do have color variations.


You're right, its not fuzzy, so maybe fungus is out. He is a false perc and is about 2 and half inches. He's my first fish, I've had him for about 6 months now. So, I don't think he's young, judging by his size, perhaps he's getting too old? i hate to say it but perhaps its like sun spots on elderly people. Its just one of those things that happen with ageing. No harm done.


well I am in Ky and I think it is our water source. I have pitting around my drains in my tub and sinks as well. I no longer use tap water but have switched to R.O. water . Not sure if this is the source but would not hurt to try and eliminate one thing at a time.


New Member
Well I guess that the best resolution for a situation like this is to realize that fish die. If it was an expensive expensive fish I would take it to a pet store or even a Pet Hospital. But since it is a small fish and probably has cancer or something You probably wont find a cure.
I was also thinking:Black Ich I have herd of it.. THe cure was a formaldahide dip the man listed above gave the mixture It probably would work. I dont know where you can get formaldahide from but Usually the cures work and work well.
A fish is worth saving, after you save it It appreciates you that much more.
I love all of my fish and try to do as much as I can for them. I hope that you decide to try to get a little formaldahide and give him a treatment.
In other words hope to hear the best.


all right, just to keep everyone posted there are several new spots on the right lower side of his belly. however, the other old spots are now fading. the new spots are much darker. i've been researching diseases online and can't find anything that describes it. the spots are non-migrating. i think i may try a fresh-water dip here in a couple days. if it is an external parasite it should fall off i assume. well, i hope. i'm keeping my fingers crossed. oh, FYI, i have two other fish and neither show signs of this disease. i think its been almost two weeks now so apparently whatever it is its not contagious.


New Member
As I was writing that last reply I said to myself jeeze, what can I do to help this guy?? Well now I am thinking to evaluate the situation as best as I can.
I had spots on my fish I guess that I should ask do your spots look like little black dots, or more like black scales? The ones that I had looked like black ticks, tiny little ticks or when I looked maticulously ilke black or rotting scales.
If I can think of one thing it reminds me of tooth rot, not to be corny but what makes your teeth rot? Tooth rot is becoming of bacteria.
If I were you I would concentrate on a 50/50 water change first off. This would be most crucial! Make sure that you dont disturb the FalsePerc for it may be very stressed due to its current illness.
Second I would buy some of that dried seaweed that you can put in the tank for him to eat, you never know but his primary diet may have consisted of a healthy herbivore diet. The Nutrients in the seaweed may just spark his immune system.


New Member
Another Idea is salt. What is the salinity in your tank?
You might find that the salinity is too low? Not to say that it is but if you think about the circumstances.
One is that some fish like a more saline enviroment and since most anemones like a more saline enviroment It only brings one thought to mind. Do false perculias have a tendancy to be attracted to anemones as well? If so do you think that by raising the salinity about four parts per milliliter will purge the sicknesses tolerance for salt?
Innes Book of Fishes says that Salt is the marine worlds natural cure all. So I took the liberty of doing some research for you.
Flukes are small parasites and are extremely contagious. If you have this There are 2 cures let me know if the illness seems to be contagious.
Velvet seems to be a viable subject for this disease too. It is also a parasite not visible to the eye that causes tiny dark circular crusts. ( Have you added any live plants to your tank?) It is usually transported on live plants,,, If I can remember correctly the fish that I had ate all of my live plants developed these crusts and died promptly. If you have any live plants in your tank remove them to prevent any other fishes from being infected.


New Member
If this seems to be the problem there are easy cures for you to use. Any dye with acriflavine in it. If you do quarantine fish make sure that you dont stress him out. And make sure that the quarantine is heated to the appropriate temp or he will shock and die for sure.
On top of the individual cure there is a way to eliminate the parasite from the tank. It is that you use the dye in the host tank, I would remove any corals from the tank and do a lugals dip. And temprarily ( about ten days ) place them in another quarantined heated and lighted tank. Then use the acriflavine in the infected tank for a day and repeat in two three day intervals.
Dosage: .046 grain tablet in 8 ounces of water, use one teaspoon per gallon and then repeat as listed above.
I would definitely try this cure because it is cheap and seems to be effective. I dont think a fresh water dip will work because the disease seems to come from more brackish waters.