black hole




Originally posted by fender
Actually it was the Viking probes and they slowed down as they left the Suns pull, basically they should have remained constant or possibly increased if Dark Matter exists. Dark matter is a generally accepted theory but it has a bunch of holes in it.
Einsteins theories also break down at a sub atomic level and IIRC quantum physics defines a new/different set of theories.
Hawking has been proven wrong on a couple of issues and he actually is quite happy when that happens. The more theories that get eliminated the less variables/possibilities exist to answer the questions. Just as Newtons theories were replaced by Einsteins, and his by others, eventually they too will be replaced by still others. Perhaps an all incompassing answer exists but I doubt it will be found in our lifetimes.

Okay, theres another case of mia books from my library. I'll search around online and see if I recognize the book.
Fender, hasn't NASA clocked small time slow downs (really small, but a change nonetheless) on quite a few of the vessels launched?
I'm pretty sure its Hawkings who's been searching for the answer (which Einstein spent years researching also) on the correlation between the behavior of matter at the large and small levels. Believing theres a universal theory connecting them to which is still beyond our grasp. The research has been focused on the expansion of the universe immediately after the possible big bang.


Active Member

Originally posted by Daniel411
Fender, hasn't NASA clocked small time slow downs (really small, but a change nonetheless) on quite a few of the vessels launched?

Yeah. Actually any and all vessels moving away from the sun start to slow - the Viking probes I think are the most pronounced.