Black Ich and lymphocystis


I have a blue hippo tang that has lymphocystis. I have had the blue hippo tang for about a month, and a yellow tang about 4 months that has black ich. I read that the lymphocytis can be fixed with a diet consisting of a variety of foods and will go away itself. Is this true? I also understand that black ich can be treated with formalin. When treating the yellow tang do I place him back in the display tank after treatment or should he be quarantined? My water parameters are :
Ammonia 0
Nitrite .25ppm
Nitrate 10ppm
Ph. 8.2
My nitrate and nitrite levels are a little high right now because I bought new MH lights and they are causing brown algea to bloom.


Active Member
A brown algae bloom will not cause a nitrite spike. A nitrite spike is from something decomposing.
After the formalin bath, the yellow tang needs to be quarantined so that you can perform a few more formalin baths in the next few days to a week.
Lymph will go away on its own with proper feeding and good water quality. With the nitrites where they are though, the lymph will not go away on its own.


Staff member
There is info on formalin bathes in the FAQ Thread at the top of the Disease Forum.
What are your water readings, and what are the symptoms of the fish that you think has lymph?


well my salt is 1.026
trite .25 maybe from over feeding
trate 10
amonia 0
ph 8.2-8.3
the reason i think he has lymph is that he has a small looking cauliflower thing raised off his skin. i feed him flakes, algea sheets, squid, krill, and a little brine. He might also have ich because there are some spots on his side fins. I have had him for around a month. Quarintine tank from now on
. I feel so ignorant :notsure: