black ich wont go away


I have a yellow tang that somehow got black ich over a month ago. when he first got it i did the formalin baths like stated in this forum. it went away then it came back a week later, so i repeated the treatment. well this is the third time he got this black ich. should i do the formalin baths again or do i try something else? i feel for him, he has been in the qt for a month now.


Staff member
Is he getting re-infected from other fish. Black ich can easily go undetected in other non-solid light colored fish.


there is only one other fish in qt with him and i have been treating them both. is it possible that it is not black ick. it looks like little 3d black dots they look as if they are sticking out of the body but they fall off.


Originally Posted by michellej
there is only one other fish in qt with him and i have been treating them both. is it possible that it is not black ick. it looks like little 3d black dots they look as if they are sticking out of the body but they fall off.
I had the same problem with my sohal it follows like the same cycle that regular ich does.... formalin baths imo are the best way to deal with it. Then keep them in qt for i think its six weeks to let the black ick go threw its cycle.