i would qualify a lionfish sting as a bee stin on steriods. It was a lot stronger than a bee or wasp sting and it hurt for about 30min, I made up new swear words to convey the intensity of the pain.
So don't take the bee sting comment as fact or take it lightly.
i will tell you w/ any scorpionfish in your tank. be respectful of the venom, and always know where your scorpion fish is when you play around in the tank.
Believe me, getting stung is not walk in the park.
lastly, as mentioned earlier. if you do get zapped.
immerse your hand, wrist, whatever in NON-scadling hot water (hot as you can stand) for about 30mins, this will weaken the toxin, but not stop the pain. You will end up w/ swollen or stiff fingers or hand after the fact, but w/out the hot water it will be worse.
Don't pet the lionfish, your only asking for it