Black Longspine Urchin


New Member
I am thinking about getting one of these. I am wondering if it will do OK with a Valentini Puffer? Also, interested in anyother comments anyone might have regarding this urchin.


Active Member
They get absulutely huge, like basketball size and can become difficult to avoid while doing tank maintenance. They also might eat coraline algae.


Active Member
idk about them that much, but i was younger when i had one, i got stung in my finger and had to cut it out. so idk just dont get pricked when trying to maintain your tank.


i have three in my tank and ya i do get stung if i dont watch what i am doing but they r cool to have and help in the tank sooo much.... i have been told that they r safe with all fish but they r some thing to look at and ya they do get big if they live that long never seen on unless it is hand feed everyday...


I have one and before he broke some spines during a tank move (including one that broke off in my finger), I'd say he was at least 10" from tip to tip. But he's fun to watch and is really a neat creature.
And prime311 is right -- my tank is devoid of coralline in any place that the urchin can get to easily. The other problem is that he poops A LOT!!! And the poop is solid little pellets which form little piles at the bottom and need cleaned up manually because apparently other creatures won't eat it. (Maybe a dogfish would... after all, my other dogs eat any poop they can find!)