Black Perc - dying? Water parameters



This is sortof a respost - I posted in the clownfish & anemone section but no responses yet. I'm a little concerned... My clown is almost translucent, well red undertones - almost like their juvi colors but he had already been through that. Last night he was completely normal...
Today he's being very aggressive towards my firefish and chasing him ruthlessly - very unlike him. When fish die, they lose their color and I just hope I'm not about to lose him.
He is still eating
Salinity 1.024
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
PH 8.2
Ugh...I'd hate to lose him.


Thanks for moving this, I didn't think to put it here...
Temp is at 78.8 consistent


Has anything in the tank changed recently? How is he acting and eating? Can you please post your water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH, and SG? Could you post a picture of him?


Please see my first posting in this thread, I noted all water parameters. When I first posted I mentioned he was eating however now he is not.
I am attaching pictures, though he's skitzing around the tank so much and so quickly that they are a little blurry, you can see the color difference though, he's getting really red. I am also posting a pic of my other black perc, I bought all 3 at the same time, a pair is also in my 75g, I'm doing this to show the difference, because this clown in my smaller tank used to look exactly like this colorwise.
Also, to answer your question, nothing has changed in the tank.
I feel a little bit stuck. I already have a newbie in my qt tank otherwise I would have put the clown in there already. He resides with 2 hermits, turbo snail and a firefish goby.
Please help - thanks so much, I really appreciate it!



My apologies for asking things that were already posted. He has been acting more aggressive than usual and has quit eating? How long has it been since he ate? It is hard to tell from the picture but other than him being red, rather than black, he doesn't look bad at all. Can you share anything else about him? Is he gilling rapidly, or acting listless at all? Can you see any abnormalities on his body?


He only stopped eating as of today, his behavior changed (agression) and this constant "seizure-like" movement. There's nothing abnormal about his body other than the color. It's just very odd and I feel like I'm going to lose him. I've never seen the color drain out of a fish like this before. He isn't breathing rapidly or listless - not at this point anyway.


Originally Posted by marineang
He only stopped eating as of today, his behavior changed (agression) and this constant "seizure-like" movement. There's nothing abnormal about his body other than the color. It's just very odd and I feel like I'm going to lose him. I've never seen the color drain out of a fish like this before. He isn't breathing rapidly or listless - not at this point anyway.
What is the "seizure-like" movement? Is he shaking rapidly back and forth? If so, he may be changing into a female.


Yes it is back and forth.
Oh god, do you think so? I'd feel stupid for overreacting but would be so glad if that's what it was. Ahhh that would explain aggression too, no?
If the clown is the only clown - why would it be changing to a she??
I originally had the 3 together in the large tank but the other 2 really pick on this one so I kept this one in my smaller tank. I thought they only changed when they were with a male?


Originally Posted by marineang
Yes it is back and forth.
Oh god, do you think so? I'd feel stupid for overreacting but would be so glad if that's what it was. Ahhh that would explain aggression too, no?
If the clown is the only clown - why would it be changing to a she??
I originally had the 3 together in the large tank but the other 2 really pick on this one so I kept this one in my smaller tank. I thought they only changed when they were with a male?
They are all males at birth. If he finds a mate then he will remain male. If the clown is alone then it becomes female. They cannot change back into male though. Once they become female then they stay that way.
Don't feel stupid at all. Clowns are tricky fish to figure out. I had to ask questions when my female tore up my male. It is scary to watch.


Aw, thank you so much. I really am getting addicted to this site, your info is totally trust and invaluable.
One more quick question on this note...
The pair I have in my other tank are both seemingly male. Should put one in with 'her' there any better way to do have a male or dimorphic one with her when she changes over?
Thanks sep.


No, don't add one of the other clowns. There is no bringing her back now, if that is indeed what is going on. Keep your other two together.