Black Saddle Back Clownfish (with Pictures)


Active Member
Hey .. I have a pair of Saddleback Clownfish that are black with white stripes .. I thought that they'd grow out of it but I've had them for 8 months and they've just gotten bigger and darker .. not anything like all the light-colored saddlebacks I see everywhere .. are they rare or something?
the first 2 pictures are of the larger of the two (I'm guessing the female) in a long tentacle anemone .. the 4th picture looks funny becuase I accidentaly had the flash on the camera ...



that is most likely their natural color. I am pretty sure they'll stay like that. I like 'em too by they way.


Active Member
It is indeed their natural color. At least from what I've seen at the LFS I work at, they're not rarer than the brown saddlebacks.


Active Member
yeah sorry for the photo quality .. my camera is 5.1 megapixels but it wouldn't let me upload that clear of a picture so I had to lower the quality a ton to get it to meet standards ..


Well, I guess I would disagree with Viper. I think they are rarer then the brown ones, or at least around here, where I'm from. They are sometimes referred to as True Black Percula which isn't possible since it's not a percula and obviously noticed by the stripes.
Are you dissappointed that they didn't change color? I always thought the black saddlebacks looked much better since the bright yellow face and fins stick out.
I always wanted me a pair of these fish. My next tank will have to include a pair. I have a 45 gallon with a pair of black and white ocellarius and just set up a 10 gallon tank with 2 baby (less then an inch) True (ONYX) Perculas. Black Saddlebacks are next.