Black Saddleback Clown host Anemone


Active Member
Hi I just purchased a clown that was listed as a black perc at the lfs, but I knew it wasn't but didn't say anything because of the price listed next to the name. It looks almost exactly like the Black Saddleback Clown in the fish section of this site, but cost half as much. In the store it was laying in a green carpet anemone that was also under priced and I'm thinking about buying this weekend. My questions are:
1) How big does a carpet anemone get? I only have a 38 gallon.
2) What lighting do they need. I am running 4 T5 HO bulbs (sundial-Individually contoured reflectors). Is this enough?
3) What are other common hosts for these clowns?
4) My tank is only about 1 1/2 months along, is it too early to start thinking about an anemone? I wanted to get it soon so that it could hopefully move around and find its spot before I add corals.
Tomorrow when my 10K's turn on I will try to get a pic of him so that I can verify that it is indeed the type of clown I think it is.


That's cool if you did get a deal on your clown.
I would not consider an anemone until your tank has been cycling for a good while (atleast 6 mo IMO). The best advice I can give you in this hobby is "don't rush". Never buy something on a whim, just to get it. Research it, wait for it...........then buy it, if it is appropriate for what you want. Can't wait for the pics of your clown.


Active Member
Ok, here's a couple pics. Is this guy a Black Saddleback?
Also...I figured people would say it was too soon to get an anemone. For future reference though, I should be able to keep them under T5's if people are keeping clams and sps, right?



Yes he looks to be I have had mine for about a month now and he and his bta are are doing great if you need more info Joyce Wilkerson Clownfish book is great reading goodluck .