Black sand


Well, here is what I have so far...right now just a FO but to be a coral tank when I get the right lighting.


anenomes need light yes but decent water flow and regular feedings are better! Clowns will do the feeding but not always enough! Also, pink tips typically will not have clowns as inhabitants. There sting is too strong.


Active Member
That's what I was wondering. IMHO, a 20G is too small for any trigger, but there may be some who disagree. Also, if you were to go reef, a trigger would definitely be out, since they are far from reef-safe.


Well the trigger is not a permanent resident, the anenome is doing VERY well dispite the 20,000k light. I am going to replace the lighting... and the trigger is going to a better place when he gets bigger than the clown. Right now it is just a FO tank, yes the condi is there and by the way is very large and eats silversides 4 X a week. Wanted to show "black sand" the clown is busy 24/7 trying to keep his spot clear