Black slime algae


New Member
I have a three months old 55 gal setup with a 30 gal refugium attached. 30 lbs live rock, no fish first month, about 12 hermit crabs and 6 snails, 2 peppermint shrimps, 1 coral cleaner shrimp, Frogspawn coral, starfish, flame angel, copper banded butterfly, 2 percula clowns, 1 clakii clown and a long tentackle anemone. All seem to be doing OK, but I have this black stuff growing on my rocks and dead coral and substrate. Every week I clean it off, but it grows back. I suspected a bacteria infection and added a sterilizer, still black algae/slime is growing.


Staff member
Is it black or dark red? Will it come off in sheets if you try to remove it?


New Member
It is jet black and spreads on substrate, live rocks and dead coral. Hair like threads grows from it upto 1 inch flowing in the current. I take out the rocks and rinse in fresh water and it comes off readily. But I cannot take out everything, specially the gravel and clean it simultaneously. So some is always left to regenerate.
My LFS suggested it was a bacterial algae due to my turning off a cannister filter peridically (it generated small airbubbles in the tank). I fixed that problem and now the filter is on all the time in addition to my refugium and an UV sterilizer. However even if the black slime is not generating as fast, it has not gone away. All water levels are normal, maybe close to 20 ppm Nitrate, but I will reduce that with a partial water change this weekend. Fish seems fine, but the stuff is ugly. I have a suggestion to put antibiotica in the tank, but I am hesitant. If anybody has seen this before I would appreciate to know.


sounds to me like you need to clean it really good, then turn on all of your filtration, and do consistent water changes for about 1 week or so. Maybe even add some more snails (about 50 more). What are your lighting schedules?


New Member
I have a coralite 4x96 watts of which 2 are 10k white and 2 blue. I have my lights on 10 hours every day. Green algae is growing and the snails are keeping it under control, but with more light it would probably overgrow. I was thinking about more snails and crabs for cleanup and I will buy more. When you say consistent water changes, do you mean say 10% every day?
Thanks for suggestions, I was wondering what to do next.:notsure:


I would say 10% every day and cut back on your lighting. Keep it on for say, 4-5 hours per day... Algae likes light


make sure you do water changes with Distilled Water though. Otherwise, if you add in tap water, you'll just end up with a diatom bloom


New Member
Just to share results.
I took a water sample to my LFS and they detected high phosphate, so I bought soem phosban. Also they suggested that it might be a bacteria infection and recommended an antibiotic (I think Myacin). Instead of 1 pill per 10 gallong, I dropped in two

(I have about 80 gal of water between my show tank (55 gal) and refugium). Next day the black was disappearing, I dropped in another 2

, by day 4 all black algae is gone and my fishes are still fine, eating etc. So I believe that was it and I will put in a pad this weekend to remove all traces of medication and hope it does not come back. Anyway, I did do some water change and I am sure that helped also.


Hey eric did you use the medication? Is it working? I have the same problem, I tested for phosphate and its not high. I use ro water but Its still a big problem.


New Member
I treated the black slime/algae with antibiotics and it took it. I do not use RO water, just a DI filter and I have some nitrate in my water. This caused some algae growth, but manageable. I am now increasing light in my refugium to accelerate nitrate consumption and try to reduce feeding. I used Phosban to remove the phosphate and the levels are now fine. My LFS insist this was a bacterial growth is due to too much phosphate and nitrate. I was also advised to lower the salt content a bit, so I lowered it one point SG. Sofar my LFS advice is working out.
All I can say, you probably are infected and the antibiotic will take it. Otherwise it is just a question of quality water all around. Please tell me if treatment worked for you too.