black spot on clarkii


New Member
My Clarkii has black spots. No other problems. He is eating well. The spots are getting worse every day. Today I am noticing he is not loving all over his anenome as usual.
I have read about the black spot disease in Clownfish.
I do not really want to take him out and give him a freshwater dip or anything, I have read it can stress them to death.
He is eating. I have Greenex I can use. We have a uv sterilizer and have never had a problem with ich or any other disease. We havent even had fish die on us.
Anyone else have this black spot thing?
I thought it was just his pigment but it is getting worse.


Staff member
Hello, robjab, can you describe the blackspots? What exactly do they look like? We have had recent discussions here about pigmentation spots on clowns and there have been some pics included. Take a look at this discussion and pic and tell me if this is what you are experiencing.
Also, how long have you had the fish? Is it a young fish? Can you get a picture up


New Member
I have had him for 4 months now. He has always done great.
I don't think he is real young, he was fairly small when I bought him, but he is now around 2.5 inches. I have a reef/fish tank. He doesnt look like the pics. The dots are not small like ich dots. It is more like his yellow area started turning browner first, the last thing to happen was his fins? started getting black/dark brown, large spots on them.
Obviously we are new to the salt water world, but we read books for many many months before we started.
I may have made things worse though. This a.m. he was hiding(unusual for him) and i got worried. So I freshwater dipped him using instrucions from a few different places. Ph same and temp same as big tank (55 gallon). He went on his side pretty quick and had trouble breathing. I left him for 5 long horrible minutes before I couldnt take it anymore. Now he wont eat and seems even more upset...(woops). I will try to send pics and give more info,


Staff member
How was the fish before you did the FW dip? Was he acting ok and eating? Did you take a look at the link I posted above?
That fish is still young since you have only had him a few mos. Add coloration on young clowns is pretty normal.
What are your water readings including pH, salinity, alk, and the others.


New Member
Before f/w dip he was hiding behind live rock. He is usually in his anenomoe loving all over it. He really hasnt been in his anenome much the last 2 or 3 days.
I am relieved that he is now eating again.
My nitrite and amonia are normally 0, but yesterday it was
reading a little above 0. I added Prime and did a water change.
Today all is 0 again.
Would his fins even change to be black and yellow spotted just due to coloration?
I figure the f/w dip at least took care of it if he did have
a worm? problem.
I have a 55 gallon tank. It has been set up for 4 months.
All else is doing great.
I hope he will be ok. I am crazy about him. :D


New Member
yes I checked the link you gave me. It was very helpful.
I am going to set up a q/t tank soon.


Staff member
robjab, I don't know if I'm confused or what. If you read the thread then what did you think about it. The thread implies that the problem with your fish is hypermelaninism. [over active melanin in the fish's tissues]. While I think it is great that you are will set up a QT [for future use] I can't say that you need it for this fish at this point.


New Member
QUOTE]Originally posted by Bang Guy
In my opinion it looks to be just a normal darkening Ocellaris sometimes get when they are using a host that has nematocysts. If so then it will just slowly get darker.

I am wondering if this is it..but what is nematocysts?
Also, I am very new to using a fact this is my
first time. I don't know the lingo and it seems I enter the same thing in twice by accident sometimes....newbies are such buggers aren't we?:yes:
I am so excited though because I believe it was something I read from you to someone about the f/w dips. That is why I went ahead and tried it this a.m. I was scared but you seemed to believe in them so I went for is a pic because my Clarkii is back to his normal self (almost) his color is getting slowly better (maybe my imagination) but at lease he is eating like a piggy again and he loves his anenome.


Staff member
robjab, yes that is what I am saying. The clownfish is having a skin reaction, if you will, which is causing this darking. It is not necessarily harmful to the fish.
Keep an eye on the sitution to make sure the clown is ok otherwise.
You mind if I use your photo as an example and post it up on the forum?


New Member
:joy: I am sooo happy my clarkii is doing great now.
I don't know what happened or what fixed it, but
he hasnt been happy like this in a week or so.
You can use any of my pics you want.
Thanks for being there for me in my time of worry.


New Member
Now that I am learning about my weird little clarkii,
is it ever ok to put 2 clownfish in a 55 gallon tank.
I may want another one some day.


Staff member
Robin, good to hear that the little guy is feeling better. I'm assuming he still has his spots?
As for adding aother, that is probably not a good thing to do at this point. Clownfish can be very aggressive with each other if they are not paired from the get-go. I know what you mean, though, I want to add another clown to my tank too, but I'm afraid the one I have will get very aggressive.