Boy am I glad I researched my Skunk Cleaner Shrimp the other day! I read that usually shortly before they molt they get black dots or splotches around their midsides. They said that this was the shrimp's internally pulling away from the shell getting ready to molt. They also said that -- usually -- they tend to molt around the new moon. Could this be what you two are experiencing?
Originally Posted by stsweene
If it molted , then it will hide for a day or 2 before the new shell hardens.
I would agree but if they aren't threatened they will simply molt and the new skin is squeaky clean and running around the least mine does
My cleaner goes through this all the time before molting.... Keep him happy and fed and let nature take it's course.
Mine do, just like MiamiReefr's, they can get black dots on them befor molting, mine do all the time. & they will hide for a day or so while its happening. He'll come out, just wait it out!!!