black spots on my percula clowns


Hello everyone I'm a new guy and have a question
I just put two percula clowns in my tank about two weeks
ago. They were in qt for about two weeks. Both look very healty
and active. They just started to get black spot on their skin about
4-5 spot per fish. The spots don't look bumpy it looks almost discolored, If any one has any info it would help out alot.
This site is great looking forward to learning


are you using a photo editor at all to resize the pics? if you don't have one you can take a pic of your fish on a 640x480 resolution or register on and have them host your pictures for you...
OOORRRR email me the pic and i'll set it up for you. :D
do u have any pics of your bike as well? ;)


wow..i don't know which i like more...your fish or your bike...both look very fast heheh...i can tell your fish are always on the move since the pic is kinda blurry. its hard to take pictures of active fish..i use a setting on my camera so it takes 5 pictures in a row one after another.