Black Tang (Longnose Sailfin Tang)


Hi everyone:
My local aquarium store brought in today a very nice Black Tang. The fish is about 6-7 inches long and is more of a steel blue than solid black. This could be because it is a recent arrival but nevertheless the animal is very impressive. I am considering buying the fish but I am afraid that my Purple Tang might not like it. The purple tang is about 2.5 inches long. My lfs said that the size difference and rather different body shape should be enough to deter the purple tang from any aggression. I can see the size difference factor but the body shape difference I can't see other than that Black tang having a much longer "nose".
Any thoughts on this? Any ideas on whether to hold off on the fish or why they wouldn't get along? Any hints of what can be done to reduce the chances of aggression if any?
Thanks for any answers,


Active Member
What size tank is it? It porbably won't make a tangs and purple tangs are some of the most aggresive tangs around. One will torture the other.


The tank is 180 gallons but then again, like you said, if they will try to kill each other then there is not much to be done other than not buy the Black Tang or trade in the Purple Tang. Any way they could get along though? Or is it asking for murder? The reason I ask is because I can buy the Black Tang for just $190 and I am sure that is a killer deal. I wouldn't like to pass up that deal, yet I don't want to kill one of my fish just for being stupid and wanting a new fish.
Thanks again for your response. I have to say that I love this discussion forum because everyone seems to be very courteous.


Active Member
How aggresive is your purple? I know I have a purple in my 110 who is about 1.5 inches long and he picks on ANYTHING that goes in the tank, this fish has guts. Is yours anything like this?
Do you have a lot of rock in the tank? Maybe a lot of hiding places, they might be ok but it would be a risk. They are both from the Zebrasoma family of tangs and are both known to be very aggresive...I think the black moreso then the purple.
From what I have read about them it's recommended they be the only tang in the tank....also, adding anything else once they have established a territory will be next to impossible.
$190 for a 6-7" is an excellent price. If you were to try it, be prepared to pull either the purple or the black to return to the store if they try to kill each other. Who knows, you might get lucky.


I assume I would be looking at a rection from the Purple almost immediately after the black tag is added to the tank, right? My Purple tang is rather typical in behavior but, although he tried to impress any fish with his "aggression" display, he has never attacked anyone in the tank. Then again, I have never added another tang so this could change everything.
What do you think?


Active Member
You'll be taking a risk. You have a big tank....assuming you have a fair amount of rock it could work. Your call really.


Active Member
Yes, their will be conflicts. In a 180 with a decent amount of rock, they could live together but there will always be spats. As long as your purple tang doesn't immediately chase the black tang to death (I would recommend putting nori in before releasing it) they should live together, although the black tang might eventually get to your purple considering how much bigger it is.
Assuming that the black tang is from Hawaii, make sure to keep an eye on your nitrates. Every Hawaiian black tang I have dealt with (myself or customers) seems to develop HLLE rather quickly if introduced into a tank with high nitrates.


I believe that Black Longnose Tang is another name for this fish. The fish I am getting (or possibly getting) goes by the latin name of Zebrasoma rostratum.


Active Member
The balck tang is an awasome looking fish. It is in the same family as YT and PT . Thus it is very risky to put them together. The size difference will eventually work against the PT and I believe he will be harrassed to his demise. I understand the dilema and the desire to try it so go ahead.....just be prepared with net in hand. Keep in mind that it may not happen right away because the BT will be staking out new territory while the PT would have already stalked out his but in time I think this will be a problem. All that said, sometimes things that shouldn't work, end up working so as long as you are comitted to taking out the PT( my choice w/b to keep the BT) give it a try in your 180. Good luck.


Thanks so much for the input. I don't know if anyone ever said this but sometimes the answers to our problems/dilemmas are simpler than we thing and are usually right in front of our noses yet we can't see it.
I have a 60 gallon Saltwater tank which currently houses a Fu-Manchu lionfish and a Marquesas Butterfly (Chaetodon declivis). The Purple Tang will be moved to this tank soon thus leaving enough space and 0 quarrels for the Black Tang.
Any comments on whether I shouldn't move the Purple Tang to the smaller tank? I like to ask because there is not such thing as a wrong point of view or too much information.


Here are 2 pics of the Black Tang I purchased. The pic in the bucket is basically for reference so you can see how big he is. The bucket is a regular five gallon bucket.
I did move the Purple Tang to the smaller tank and he seems just as happy.
Thanks for all the help,



New Member
Originally Posted by alfon76
Here are 2 pics of the Black Tang I purchased. The pic in the bucket is basically for reference so you can see how big he is. The bucket is a regular five gallon bucket.
I did move the Purple Tang to the smaller tank and he seems just as happy.
Thanks for all the help,

the black tang or long nose tang is one of the most peaceful members of the genus, and like other Zebrasoma, it is generally easy to care for. having a purple tang with him is a wast of money. my 2 cent


This is off subject, but are you the one who had the 300 FOWLR?


There are no Black Tangs collected in hawaii, rotratums. They are all collected around Christmas Island. If it is indeed a true rostratum and not a really dark varient of scopas for that price I would but it in a heartbeat. There is no way your purple will give him crap. Maybe for a 30secs. Then the Black if he is healthy and well adjusted will put him in place. I am amazed that the LFS has a 6" rostratum for that price as they wholesale for more than that. T


Here is my rostratum...

Now this fish was actually caught in Hawaii and is not a true rostratum but a scopas. Bad pic but there are almost black scopas that can pass for a rostratum unless you know what your looking at.
