Black Tang


While visiting the LFS i saw they had in a Black Tang. $250!!!!!! Are these really rare, i guess so since i've never seen one before, but its basically a yellow tang only black. whats the deal??? looked pretty cool.


Active Member
OMG!!!! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> I don't care how rare, if it isn't made of gold, it will stay in the shop. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


Active Member
Yes they are fairly rare and that is why they carry such a high price tag.
I cant even think about paying $250 for a fish. Unless of course I had cash coming out of my ears.
I have never seen one in person, have only seen them online...and yes they are always pricey...must be rare. They look gorgeous in the do they look in person?
Just to keep things in perspective...leafy sea dragons run about $15,000. Won't be getting one of those soon either!


It looked great surprisingly. I always see yellow's that are beat up cause they tend to put a ton of them in the same tank together and they always fight. This one was in with a puffer and a green bird wrasse i think. It had no signs of injury or sickness. Although i would think for something that expensive that it would get its own tank. Sometimes you just wonder what some stores are thinking. Another store near me is going out of business. They have a hawaiian dragon moray for $700. wonder what they are going to do with it?? i am trying to talk the owner into selling me his 180 bowfront for cheap!!!
i saw one in the not so Local fish store, but they look JUST LIKE YELLOW TANGS,just imagine them black, it was one of those fish that when you walk by and glance at it while looking at another tank, that you taken a DOUBLE look... i didn't even know there was a such thing as a black tang...
I have seen many black tangs @ my lfs for $300 each, i have also seen a gem tang for about $2000 in there main tank. But, the black tang is very rare cuase it is only found in 1 area in the world...*Christmas Island*. The black tangs remind me just of a yellow tang, just black. The Gem tang looks like a black tang, just with little yellow(sometimes green and blue) dots all over it. I remember once seeing a gem tang in the tank that is. Had 100's of little white dots all over it. At least i thought it was a gem tang, turned out that the next week they got one in, thought it was the coolset thing in the world. Hope i gave some good info on these guys, even though people have already said what i said.

david s

Good thing it wasnt me because it would probubly be in my tank lol not that I am made of doe but I am waiting for a nice tang )
Originally posted by Excite74:
<strong>I saw a Tang with a body shape that of a yellow tang...It was black on the front and faded into a gray/white color on the back. It had black eyes and also looked just like a "black yellow tang"</strong><hr></blockquote>
That is probably a scopus tang(AKA Brown tang)
Scopus tangs are very cheap, and well in stock 24/7 in my lfs.


Active Member
The Brown Tangs are relatively cheap from this site, and are just under Live Fish, and then Tangs, and are about at the bottom of the list. They are like $30 I think.