Black Tip


I would like to know if any of you know what is the best way to
introduce a Black Tip shark into its new home after a 24houer flight?


Well-Known Member
Dump it in the tank!!!! Real sweet talker u r! Lol
I would think a slow temp acclimate


Well-Known Member
lol they are tough S.O.B's. i have never kept one but i catch them all the time and they are a great catch and release sharks. lol if they can go through having a hook in their mouth and do fine after that my guess is dumping them in a tank wont be a problem if handled correctly.


they asked me to do a bit of resirch. imm use to small reef fish eels and so on but not sharks

Bryce E

Active Member
You want to acclimate him properly. Drip acclimation for him to slowly adjust and get used to all of your water parameters for a period of one to two hours as well as temperature acclimation.


Active Member
I have to agree with trigger it would probably be better to just dump him in black tips need to constantly move or they might suffocate.