Black tipped reef shark



Depending on the dimensions of the tank, but 10.000 gallons would prob. be a minimum


New Member
I think you guys misunderstood my question :)
If not pardon my ignorance. I am aware you can keep a shark from growing its full size, like feeding it less often, and having it grow to fit a certain size tank. Is it possible to keep a black tipped reef shark in a tank, of lets say 2,000 gallons from youth to adult? Like I said before, if this would cause too much stress on the shark then I wouldn’t consider it. Again, sorry if this is a silly question, but id rather look like a fool here then to make a bad decision about building this tank. I guess you can say thats why I post here :)
Thank you again.


Active Member
I am aware you can keep a shark from growing its full size, like feeding it less often, and having it grow to fit a certain size tank
That is just a myth....
If you are speaking of Carcharhinus limbatus you would need a huge tank. I believe the IGFA recognizes the world record of 220 lbs. They are also very active sharks that need huge amounts of swimming space. IMO, keeping one in all but the largest professional aquarium tank (maybe even in one of these) is inhumane. If you want to build a tank for large sharks, look into leopards or smoothounds. Bo


I doubt the shark he is refering to is Carcharhinus limbatus. That shark is the blacktip shark which gets about 9ft. Carcharhinus melanopterus is the blacktip reef shark and is probably what Wolfgaur is talking about. This species gets a maximum of something like 6ft but usually gets about 4-5ft in captivity i believe.
an apropriatly dimensioned 4000-5000 gallon should be enough for an adult.


Anyone have any pictures of a Black Tipped Reef shark in an aquarium?, it would be very cool to see please


A LFS near me has three juveniles in an 800 gallon tank for sale. ($500, yikes!)
They are beautiful, and I have to admit they're tempting because they look so much like the quintessential "shark" we're all used to seeing.
It says that they will need at LEAST a 12' long tank to be happy, but I'd say thats a conservative estimate.


Musipilot. Can you give me the phone number and location of your lfs? I'd like to talk to them about buying one of the black tips.


Here's a picture taken off of my lfs's website of there 900-1000g tank. It's old though, they have two in there now(as well as some really big morays and some little tangs).