Black Volitan Lion Problem


New Member
Hello all - If anyone can offer advice I would appreciate it?
I have had my 75 gallon tank setup for about 4 years now and have been in the "hobby" for more than 10. One of my favorite fish is having a problem though - it's my black volitan - he's about 2 years old. He eats (or rather ate) silversides, frozen krill, ghost shrimp, sand eels (frozen), and some rosie reds -- all of which were treated with garlic and/or vitamins. The water parameters are perfect - so, I'm at a loss.
He's not shedding - but, he does have what appears to be ich on him (after about 3 days of not eating). He is in the tank with a porcupine puffer, black occularis clown, and a princess parrot (all of which are "medium" in size). He is about 8" or so. None of the other fish are showing signs of problems.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dc_wolf
Hello all - If anyone can offer advice I would appreciate it?
I have had my 75 gallon tank setup for about 4 years now and have been in the "hobby" for more than 10. One of my favorite fish is having a problem though - it's my black volitan - he's about 2 years old. He eats (or rather ate) silversides, frozen krill, ghost shrimp, sand eels (frozen), and some rosie reds -- all of which were treated with garlic and/or vitamins. The water parameters are perfect - so, I'm at a loss.
He's not shedding - but, he does have what appears to be ich on him (after about 3 days of not eating). He is in the tank with a porcupine puffer, black occularis clown, and a princess parrot (all of which are "medium" in size). He is about 8" or so. None of the other fish are showing signs of problems.
You may want to post a pic to confirm that this is ich. If it is then there are LOTS of opinions on various treatments. Lionfish are pretty hardy. If it is ich and it is caught relatively early on then your lion will probably recovery well.


New Member
I'll see what I can do - It'll have to wait until later today (since I'm at work).
I did start treating him with maracyn plus as a "just in case" since that's the only thing I found to work with lions in the past.
What I forgot to mention - I do have a few starfish and snails in the tank as well - (not that it matters too much at the moment).
Thanks for the reply.


New Member
Hello all - the first picture should be of the lion the second should be of some strange film with white "spots" on the rock (in the back).
Hope the images turn out - the spot that looks the worst on the lion is his tail (the rest of him is fine).
Thanks for everyone's help -



He may very well be stressed out, a 8 inch volitan lion should be in a larger tank than a 75.


New Member
Yes, I'm in the process of getting a larger tank - but the problem is timing. The other thing is that he has the run of the tank and hasn't exhibited issues prior to this.


Active Member
Two things...
First, fish with ich generally still eat, at least they will eat until the Ich has been present for a long time (like the 3rd or 4th appearance of the spots). Generally fish with Ich show no physological distress (again, at least not at first). Given that, your fish may or may not have ich, and he may or may not have something wrong with him that's causing him not to eat, but likely it's not the same thing.
Second, your problem looks more like microbubbles than anything else. Ich will never show up on rocks like your pictures show. There appears to be an algae fuzz on your rocks with the splots, this is a classic place for microbubbles to appear, and so are the flowing fins of Lions.
Check your equipment closely (especially the skimmer) to be sure it's not putting microbubbles into your water.
As for the fish eating, I'd try a couple of feeder guppies. Guppies have no nutritional value for the fish, but lions enjoy the hunt so much that if he's going to eat anything, this will be it. You might try putting a capful of Garlic Guard or Entice into the water ahead of putting the guppies in to further enhance his appetite. Of course, if he eats the guppies, then you need to concentrate on why he doesn't like your frozen food offerings. Lionfish do sometimes all of a sudden stop eating frozen food and need to be re-weaned. Also, keep in mind that lions can do just fine going a week or more without eating, so you've got some time.


New Member
I'm with you on the lion - he did eat the feeders (with garlic). I was thinking the same thing on the frozen diet. I was planning on trying some new food.
Thanks on the micro-bubbles - that was driving me crazy. I will check.


Active Member
could be stress related, any other tank mates? The reason being is a 2 yr old lion should be larger than 8", for example my new lion has grown for 4" to 8" in about 6 months, from you pic he does not appear to be malnourished. Try some pieces of squid on a feeding stick, a lion favorite.
good luck!


New Member
Well - good news - he's feeling better, he ate a small silverside this morning (never was a HUGE eater). I will keep on mixing it up a bit though - (it seems he got bored). His white spots are disappearing too (still treating for ich).
The other item - micro bubbles -- the filter return looks like it's sending small bubbles into the water. But, it's on the other side of the tank?
Thanks again for all of the comments


Good to hear, definitely mix up the diet a little, maybe add some Raw Shrimp, Scallops and Squid, all soaked in vitamins......


Active Member
Originally Posted by dc_wolf
Well - good news - he's feeling better, he ate a small silverside this morning (never was a HUGE eater). I will keep on mixing it up a bit though - (it seems he got bored). His white spots are disappearing too (still treating for ich).
The other item - micro bubbles -- the filter return looks like it's sending small bubbles into the water. But, it's on the other side of the tank?
Thanks again for all of the comments
Even if it's on the other side, it will get to every corner of the tank. Microbubbles are so small they can hover in more or less suspension in the water, and travel a great distance in the tank before they finally work their way to the top.
I'd say you've found your "spots" problem.


New Member
Thanks - I agree on the spots problem. I appreciate your help id'ing that - all this time, I've never seen anything like that.
BTW: he's eating normally again!! whoohooo


New Member
Originally Posted by V-Lioness
Good to hear, definitely mix up the diet a little, maybe add some Raw Shrimp, Scallops and Squid, all soaked in vitamins......
Any suggestion on the vitamins? I have been looking for squid - but, haven't been too successful in finding it. But, the other 2 are easy to find (have some already).


Active Member
Originally Posted by dc_wolf
Any suggestion on the vitamins? I have been looking for squid - but, haven't been too successful in finding it. But, the other 2 are easy to find (have some already).
Kent Zoe and Selcon are what I use. Zoe is a little easier to find, but Selcon is a better quality product.


New Member
Thanks! I'll probably have to order it online anyway (the lfs around here don't have much to offer).


New Member
Thanks for asking -- he is all better now! The only problem is my puffer has stopped eating now -- that one has me puzzled.