black volitan lion


Active Member

Originally posted by lilstrup
hey my lion is still not eating so what should i try

try feeding him a couple very small black mollies in the tank with him see if that sparks some interest. even one might do the trick.not goldfish.they are botttom feeders and eat the waste.


Black and Red volitans are the same thing, just different color morphs. Pterois volitans can actually change color, usually depending on their diet. Black volitans usually cost more because they are not as common as the lighter/"orangey" patterns.


i think i should get more than just 2 black mollies because i have a 22 inch fimbriated and a 10 inch panther grouper that would eat them too


Active Member
well if you have others that will eat them and ohh yes your groupers will go ga ga for them.I have a panther grouper also and he goes crazy when those fish hit the water. I acclimate my mollies to salt water at least brackish 1.015 sg they do very well because they are accually brackish fish.I feed my mollies the same foods as I do my damsels and other omnivoures so they can give my big meat eaters the same nutrition as a salt water feed type fish would.I also suppliment my live feeders with zoe and garlic extreme.I do everything i can to boost the nutritional value of live feed.I dont suggest using live feeders as the main diet I also use frozen foods for all my fish.for your lion especially if it moves just right he will eat it.for your grouper if it fits in his mouth he will eat it lol.
most mollies sell for oprox 2- 3 dollars a to you LFS and tell them you would like to purchase black mollies (they are the cheepest) in bulk amount 50 or more is what i get you will get a much better price normally under 1.00each this is another reason why i dont suggest using as main food for your fish 7 fish in my tank last about 7 seconds they have a chance .also for live feeders i wouldnt recomend adding what your fish can consume in 3 min at the rate the dissapeer you could use 30 fish in 3 min. i add live every few days.god if you dont have one pick up a cheep 20 gal tank for keeping them in