Black & White Percula Clownfish questions


New Member
Ok, im fairly new to this, i have a 20g tank (2ft) with 8kilo's of liferock and no lighting setup yet (cause my light sh!t itself)...
I have 3 Black & White Percula Clownfish (2 large, 1 small), A 3 striped Damsel, A Blue Hippo Tang, and a Fiji Damsel I would like to know whats the best Anemone to get - and if my currently setup would be suited to breed my clowns... Ive read alot about BTA's - is this my best option? Also i dont have livesand but rather these ugly blue rocks which i wanna change -
If anyone could give me some good suggestions for lighting (for future inverts/corals not just the BTA's) that would be appreciated..


they say bta's are fairly easy to keep for begining hobbyist compared to carpet's and long tentacles...if you only have a 20g i think you will be ok with vhos or power compacts...i have a twin tube (95 watt each) for my 45g and might be a little shy of what is suggested but it works....i have read where best suggested lighting is about 4 watts/ gallon


a bta would be a good choice but for mating you might have better luck if you got rid of the damsels. the tang is fine.


Active Member
20 gallons is a bit small don't you think ? The Tang will get bigger and small tank will stress them out and damsels are extremely territorial. I'd think about getting a bigger tank IMO.


OR you could get one of each. I have a regular orange oceallaris and a black and white one and they along great, they swim all over our tank together. we couldnt make up our mind so we got one of each =)


Active Member
:scared: A blue hippo tang in a 20 gallon!! Don't mean to sound harsh but I hope you've got a 75 laying around somewhere.


Active Member
That's what I was trying to tell him. After reading uop on the tang and damsels PLUS the tank you currently have. You have a major heavy bioload that's a nuclear holocaust waitng to happen. Way too much fish in a 20G. At best - you probably could get away with just the clowns only. Everything else has to go.
Tangs require at least 100 gallons because they need alot of swimming room. Your damsels will fight & kill each other.
You MUST have good lighting BEFORE you even consider buying an anemone.
Why would you want to change your rock ? It makes the tank look attractive. I suspect that's your purple coraline algae and it's good algae.


Active Member
the tang will need something bigger, a 75 will work for a while, but he'll eventually outgrow that too. and anemones liek squid, and krill too. thats what i;ve had success with.


New Member
My tang is still very small, maybe 4-5cm long and if i had a job and wasnt broke i would probably buy a new tank but for now i can only make do with what i have - the bluerocks i want to change because they are unattractive to me and make the tank look artificial id rather white coral sand or something....