blacktips, leopard and bonnetheads


how big do blacktips, leopard and bonnetheads grow? what would be the smallest tank for one of these? 2? 3? any other advice or info would be apriciated


New Member
Since no one seems to be answering, I'll help Ya! Bonnethead Shark grow to be, on average, about 3.3Ft long. Blacktips get to be about 5ft long, and as for Leopard sharks, they grow to be about 6ft.
My advice would be..... a large tank, I'm not sure exactly how big you need though.


Bonnets can get as much as 4-5 feet but average 3-4, Black tips 5 feet and Leopards can sometimes reach 6-9 feet completely depending on water temperatures. Leopards are a cool-water shark but if you have them at normal marine aquarium temps they will grow much larger. Bonnets are very hard to keep as they do not fair well with fluctuation in water conditions. Leopards do not need to continuously swim and you can find them sitting motionless quite often. Leopards are very easy to keep but they are prone to bacterial infections quite frequently and it is essential you keep your aquarium free of anything they can damage themselves on.
I would suggest no less than 4,500 gallons for any of these species. Something in the dimesions of 20x6x5 would be ok - but bigger is always better. I've had all of the above species and never had any luck keep bonnets alive for very long.


just out of curiosity, what do you consider "not very long"? in relation to their natural lifespan or are we talking days, weeks, months?


Longest I had a bonnethead was about 3 1/2 months. He was 20-21 inches when I got him... he swam, ate, did everything you would expect but one day I just found him lying dead for no reason. In later months I had 3 others at various times that never lasted more than 4 weeks.
Angelsharks, Wobbegongs, and Bonnetheads are highly temperamental sharks to have in an aquarium. Any chemical imbalance or temperature change and they will just flat out die with no evident sign of stress or anything. It could be as little as 1-2 degrees farenheit.


I'd go with the leopard out of those. Cheapest . Good sized shark and easier swimming shark to keep. Smouthhounds are also a good shark to keep.. Leopards probly in tanks probly get 4 ft. This one store got one when it was about 3ft and it grew about a half of a foot in a year not even.


i have dreamed of a tank with those sharks if i where you i would make it circular and if you plan to keep them for life and have room for a large tank i would make it 20' diamiter and six feet tall which would come out at 14,064 gallons which is plenty for some those when i get the money i am planning on a 20 foot diameter 6.5 feet tall with 2 leopards, 2 bonnetheads, 2 blacktips, 3 bamboo sharks. If you live in florida i would suggest u look into the limits on catching and keeping them because i know where i live blacktips and bonnets are about the easiest thing to catch


Active Member
If you’ve ever been to the Shed Aquarium in Chicago, they have a central reef tank (it’s huge) and that the only size I’d recommend for any of these sharks. IMO, most people can never provide adequate care for these cool animals. They belong in the open water where they can live a long life rather then in someone’s little 50, 100 or 200g where they will die in months or a few years.


well in the future im planning to get a 20000-30000 gallon tank...which one would you reccommend and how many? are there any other fish i can keep with the shark(s)?


yea im located in ponte vedra, florida. which is south of jacksonville
for your large tank i would deffintly suggest that u do it circular for these sharks that you want scince you have room for that i think that 25' diameter and 6 feet high would bring you out to 21,975 gallons which would be the ultimite at home shark tank i think 1-3 bonnets , 1-2 leopards, 1-2 blacktips would be cool and the rest would depend on the agression of the sharks u get